Chapter Thirteen

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(I do not own the quote above)

Webby's POV

      I stood in front of my tall mirror, that reflected what looked like a monster. I've never been the type of person to exactly be proud of my body, but I definitely wasn't like the people who had anorexia or bulimia. I kept staring into the unwanted reflection, and heard shy footsteps approach me. Usually I would've had my door closed and locked, but after yesterday the door being open was everyone's first priority. "You doing okay?", a familiar feminine voice asked. I turned around to see May, in light jean colored overalls, with a amber colored ruffled top, standing in the open doorway. I nodded answering her previous question, and said, "Are Louie and June back yet? It's been a whole day". She put her hands in the pockets of her overalls, and shook her head furrowing her eyebrows. "I'm going to go out and look for them today...", May said, removing one of her hands out of her pocket to run her hand through her short hair. My jaw dropped at the sudden departure plans, and I said, "I'll come with". She suddenly got infused with anger and whispered-yelled, "No Webby! You're staying here, we can't risk you getting more hurt than you already are". I nodded, not wanting to heat the situation more. She turned around to walk away, but before she left she said, "Try not to worry too much, I promise I'll be back before dark", and she walked down the hallway to the stairs, before I could reply. I turned back to the messy room, feeling my eyes sting with tears, I couldn't help but think this was all my fault. 

      I sat on the floor of my room and started to fold the clothes that covered each inch of my room. I sat there folding through almost half of the clothes, before I received a knock on the wide open door. "Come in!", I called to whomever was at my door, not caring as much, unless it was Louie, Huey, or June. Out of the corner of my eye I could see my 'boyfriend', making his way into the partially clean room. "What do you want", I said, my stare at the clothes becoming a glare. He leaned up against the wall trying to make himself comfortable, and said, "I'm sorry for what I did. It was quite selfish of me, and I just want you to forgive me so be can both push past this together". I sighed, knowing he was being sincere, and mumbled loud enough for him to hear, "I accept your apology, but I won't forgive you until, Huey, Louie, and June get back". It stayed silent for a minute, the sound of drawers opening and closing filling the room. "Webby come one...what if they never come back...what if they die out there", Dewey said, his words stabbing knives through my heart. I turned to look at him with a face of disgust and said, "Why are all the dark things filling your head, stop thinking of bad things and try to be somewhat positive about the situation, I know I'm trying...why can't you?". He stopped leaning against the wall, and looked down ashamed, but still repeated, "It's just a what-if, I mean what if they never do come back?". I looked away from him and the hold on one of my shirts tightened. "If they never come back, then you will never be forgiven", I whispered, hurt lacing every inch of my words. 

      He sighed and said, "Well Lena's here to see you anyway", before exiting my room, guilt filling his walk. I walked out of my room and to the stairs only to think that it's been four years since I've seen Lena, Lena would be eighteen now. Butterflies filled my stomach as I made my way down the stairs, not wanting to confront the change. But before I knew it, I was down the stairs standing in front of what looks like to be Lena. She grew a bit, her hair still the same, but with a light blue highlight instead of a pink one, she had on a pair of holey jeans, with her signature flannel. "Well look who it is", Lena said, smirking, putting away her phone. "Hey Lena...Its been awhile, hasn't it", I said through vast giggles. She laughed at me, in a friendly way, and pulled me into a hug, one that has been waited to be shared for the past four years. "Is Violet here?", I asked breaking the hug, scanning the room to find the familiar face. "No, she's busy fixing the world of its terrible things", she said, looking down at me smiling, hoping I wasn't disappointed. "Makes sense", I replied smiling back, easing Lena of the apprehensive look that was plastered on her face. "I heard what happened, I wanted to know if you were okay?", She asked the uneasiness returning to her face. I looked up at her and nodded before saying, "I'm hanging in there". I grabbed her hand and led her into the kitchen, while saying, "Do you want anything to drink?", I could hear her laugh at my childish side, and I rolled my eyes in response. 

. . . 

      We sat down and talked for a bit, and before I knew it, she was gone, busy with work. I walked to the big window, that showed the front lawn of the mansion, and the sun was setting. It would be a good hour before the sun would completely set, and it would be considered 'dark' outside. The same anxious feeling I got this morning returned, and I was worried about May, if she was going to keep her promise and be back here before dark. I was starting to zone out looking out the window, before I was brought back to reality, by a hand landing on my shoulder. "You need to calm down, before you do something reckless", a new female voice said, making me jump. I turned around to see a recognizable face, it was just April, I never really talked to her, but I knew I was able to trust her, like her other siblings. "I'm just worried about May, is all", I said explaining my uneasiness. "You don't need to worry, she'll be ok, and she'll be back before you know it", April said, maybe a little too positive about the situation. Before I could say anything else, April turned away, and walked to the living room, leaving me to the silence that filled the room again. Then I heard a sudden knock on the door, It must be May, I ran over to the door to open it, and once I opened it, it was exactly who I thought it was. Except she was being escorted by the police?

Some people asked me how many chapters will there be in this book. And to answer there question, I don't really know. I'm currently planning on doing 25-30 chapters, but at the same time, some chapter don't include all the info that I had on my hand written drafts. And some chapters turned into fillers, so it may change to 30-35 chapters. I am also planning on doing a sequel to this book, if it is well liked by the end of this book. It's just a thought. 





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