Chapter Eighteen

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( I do not own the quote above)

Webby's POV

      I dreaded this a much as everyone around me, I was in my room packing up every memory that was ever created, starting with my clothes, moving onto my books, then my jewelry, then all the pictures that constantly reminded me of my past time being here. I grabbed my photography camera that I got awhile back and shoved into purse, that sat on my nightstand. I took a deep breathe in seeing the deserted room, and shook my head thinking it wasn't real, but as soon as I opened my eyes once again I saw the same empty room as before. I slipped my money off of bed and shoved it into my purse as well before letting a tear slip from the corner of my eye. I the rouge tear away not letting my emotions get the better of me, and moved a few of my suitcases out to the hallway, the tallest and the smallest going out first, then escorting the last one out, it was a little bit taller than the smallest one, but would've never been able to catch up to the tallest one. I pulled out my phone from the back pocket of my jeans, and read the time hoping it took me a long time, only to see that an hour had past. Speaking of time, I was discharged from the hospital this morning, the doctors decided to keep me in last night, to see how my body reacted to the new prescription medication, that I would have to familiarize myself with. It ended up not hurting me at all, so I was guaranteed to take it everyday, with no hesitation. I took one look back around the room, only to see my purse and a few papers that stood on my nightstand, waiting to be picked up. I walked back over to the nightstand and grabbed my purse off of it, and hung it on my shoulder, I looked over at the unfamiliar papers that lied there, and picked them up to read. 

      The paper read, 'Flouver Treatment and Mental Health Center', my eyes kept scanning the page, and one particular part through me off. (Fun Fact that may help you if you're confused: If you didn't know the "State" they live in is called Calisota so they are in Duckburg, Calisota. Well since Webby is moving I created made up city called Flouver, which is located also in Calisota. Hope that cleared up any confusion.) "Flouver, Calisota...Where the hell is that!", I said in mere confusion. "Flouver? It's a town over from here about thirty-five minute away by car", I heard a male voice say, trying to help me out. I turned around to see Huey and Violet in my doorway, I sighed in relief. I grabbed the papers and carefully folded them, so I could slip them in my back pocket along with my phone, and I walked over to them. "Hey guys", I said sounding like an emotionless mess, only to be greeted with a bright smile from Violet. I gave Violet a weak hug and said, "Louie and May already got your luggage", and she led me out of the empty room, only to be led down stairs to see Louie, Dewey, April, May, June, Lena, Uncle Scrooge, Uncle Donald, and Della... I finally made it down the long stairs and Huey and Violet joined in with the crowd that stood before me. I took in everyone's appearance one last time, and remembered that a picture lasts longer, so I pulled out my camera from my purse and held it in front of my face startling the group in front of me. "C'mon just smile, I need this picture", I said hate slipping off of the last words. They all smiled and I snapped a picture, letting the picture drop out, and all I had to do was wait for it to develop.

. . .  

      I stood in front of the car that was going to take me away from my life, and I turned around and ran up to Louie wrapping him up in a hug, obviously scaring him. He hugged me back and I could feel the tears fall, but this time not caring what was going to happen. "I hate you Lou", I said through cries and laughs, receiving a giggle from Louie. "Webbigail, come on!", I heard Granny call from the open window of the car, but I didn't want to let go, of him or the life that I created here. I felt a soft beak land of my forehead for less than five second, and I could hear Louie say, "I love you too, Webby". I laughed once more and slowly disconnected myself from him, leaving us hand in hand, giving me one last chance to take in his face, I studied his face taking in every feature and saw a small tear drop from his eye, and I knew it was time to go. I let go of his hand feeling the warmth retreat back to Louie, and I turned around not wanting to face anyone, but I could hear May, Lena, and Violet bawling their eyes out from behind me. "B-bye W-Webby", June stuttered out, even though we didn't know each other that well, I felt as if she was a sister to me. I waved back not turning around and opened the car door and slowly made my way in to stall out time. Once I realized I was fully in I slammed the door closed and we took off, it was as if Granny was happy we were leaving, but she knew I wasn't. 

      I pulled the fully developed picture that I took earlier out and stared at it, not wanting stop. I didn't interact with Della and Donald a lot considering they both looked like messes, and they both left us. Della's hair had gotten longer and she had dark circles that traced the bottom of her eyes, her clothes were semi-nice, but she didn't look healthy. I was concerned for her, she reeked of cigarettes, which was new for her, and she looked drained of her life. As for Donald, he was in a suit and tie, which I assume he is a business man, but he looks super sleep deprived from the last time he came over for game night.  I sighed and put the picture away, now not wanting to bring back any memories, so I pulled out my ear buds and plugged them into my phone and turned on music drowning out the world around me. Soon enough we passed a sign that read, 'Welcome to Flouver', it made my heart sink to the pit of my stomach, and made me instantly anxious. "You ready Webby", I heard Granny say, even though my music was turned up pretty loud, but I still responded back, "No...". I pulled out my earbuds, knowing that Granny was going to start up a conversation now. "Webby, you need to get over yourself, we all know that it isn't healthy for you to be in that mansion right now, and the best recommended therapists are in this town. And you know all I want you to have is the best, so we had to move", Granny said, trying to give excuses for her decision, but I knew that all she wasn't to do was go as far away as she could from that mansion. "You promised me you wouldn't lie to me again, so why are you doing it now", I said bringing up the past once again. I could hear her groan at my stubbornness as she said, "Webby that was four years ago, and plus I'm not even lying so get out and bring the suitcases into the room". 

      I looked out the window once again, and realized we were parked in front of  what seems to be an apartment complex. "Okay", I said, not wanting to start anymore commotion even though I was so tempted, so I once again hung my purse on my shoulder and walked out of the car and shut my door taking in the scenery. "Wish me luck Lou", I mumbled out clenching onto my purse as I walked to the back of the car to open up the trunk. Once I opened it up I lifted out the five suitcases, three for me and two for Granny, and shut the trunk. I looked over at the apartment complex once again to get a look at which room was ours, and saw Granny opening the door to '3-B'. I started to wheel two of the five suitcases towards the apartment complex only to realize that 3-B was one of the second layer rooms, and there were no elevators. I tried to wheel the suitcases up the stairs but failed multiple times, and to my luck I was greeted by a familiar Caucasian duck. "Dean?", I questioned seeing the familiar face, and he stood in front of me grabbing onto the two suitcases that fell down the stairs. "You need help, y'know I can help you with more than just ringing up your Twix and Coke", he breathed out making me laugh from him remembering what I bought at the gas station awhile back. "Um...Yea, if you could take them to 3-B that would be amazing", I said hoping he could actually help, and he wasn't just making a joke. "Sure I can do that", he said already starting to take them up the stairs, so I ran my way back to the car and rolled three suitcases back to the stairs, which hurt like hell, and had him take them up. And soon enough I was already getting calls, and the caller ID read, 'Louie'. 

Wow that was a long chapter but to be honest, I really like this one too! Soooooo how is everyone liking the book so far~ 

If Only You Knew~ *Ducktales Fanfic*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang