Chapter Twenty

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(I do not own the quote above)

Webby's POV

      "Webby what in the world were you thinking!", I heard Lena shout as she pulled out of the truck stop carefully, but full of anger. "Well they asked me if I still had my roller skates so I thought that they-", I said, but Lena cut me off by saying, "NO! They asked you if you still had them, so if Mrs. Beakley came after you we could have a quick escape without using this car". I looked down at the dashboard to see it was two o'clock exactly, I sighed and said, "Sorry...". I watched as Lena gripped the steering wheel tighter than before as she said, "It's okay, just...don't do that again you scared us all". I turned my head to look out the window, thinking that they were more scared now than they were when I was cutting, such a shame. I turned my head the other direction when I saw us getting close to the mansion, but instead of pulling in, she kept driving, "Lena?", I asked, questioning what was going on. She didn't respond to me, she kept driving no hesitance presenting a fearful look, that meant we weren't going back to the mansion. "Lena you need to turn the car around NOW!", I said trying to be commanding, but my voice was so shaky, it drowned out the courage that was supposed to be in my voice. "Lena", I said again, hoping this time she would at least talk back to me, in which it did work. "Webby, I really don't want to take you back there right now", she said making my heartbeat audible to me at least. "Why not we still have to get everyone, Huey, Dewey, Louie, Violet, May, June, April", I said the shakiness in my voice slowly retreating. I could feel Lena slowly switch lanes, and pull into an abandoned parking lot for an old book store, as she cam to a complete stop, she put the car into park and said, "Fine we can go and get them, but you are not allowed out of this car". I looked at her and smiled while saying, "Deal". 

       Lena slowly backed up and turned the car around making our way back to the mansion, I could see her fingers shaking, like something bad was going on at the mansion. I held my breathe, yearning to ask a question but kept my mouth shut, knowing that driving back to the mansion was as hard to do as for me not to ask questions at the moment. After a few minutes we slowly pulled into the driveway the went in a complete circle, and she drove around the circle until we were in front of the mansion, as for stopping once more, she put the vehicle in park. I watched as she unbuckled her seat belt and grabbed onto her phone for dear life, as she said, "Alright, I'm going to go in and gather everyone, I'll be back in ten". Right before she stepped out of the car she turned back and stared me right into the eyes and in all seriousness she said, "If ANYONE pulls into the driveway you unbuckle your seat belt and climb into the back seat, and lock the doors". As she turns back she tosses me the keys that land on my head, and fall onto the floor, so I bend over and grab them and when I look up Lena's gone in the mean time, I decided to unbuckle my seatbelt, to make the hiding process a lot quicker. I looked down once again and saw that my roller skates were indeed still on my feet, so I bent down again and started to untie them loosening the laces in the process making it easier to slide the skates off my feet, in which it did as I pulled the skates off my feet and set the underneath the seat, not wanting them to get in the way. As I was stuffing them under the seat I could hear the crunch of gravel approach me, so I shot my head up to see Granny pulling into the mansions driveway, so in reflex I crawled over the console and rolled into the back of the car, still holding into the keys, so I locked the car hoping the light the car made when it locked didn't show.

      I could hear footsteps approaching the car, so I grabbed ahold of an old blanket and threw it on top of me, concealing me from any outside presences. I pulled out my phone, and looked at the time its was about two-twelve, so Lena should coming out soon. Speak of the devil, I could hear Lena's voice, it sounded like she was talking to Granny, maybe trying to get her to leave. Soon enough I could hear yelling, and jiggling on the door handle that was to the right of me. After what felt like an entirety, Granny finally went back to her car, and pulled out of the mansion, letting me get up and climb back into the front seat, unlocking the door for everyone. I leaned back on the seat and could feel my bags on my back, confused on how I forgot about the bags earlier, I pulled them off and threw them on the ground with my skates. I watched the driver door open along with the two back doors, and I saw Lena get in beckoning everyone else to do the same. I looked over at Lena as she said, "I saw you did exactly what I told you to do", I shook my head at her words and laughed while saying, "Yea". I turned around and saw May June, April, and Violet all filed into the furthest back seats, making me surprised that they can fit four people into three seats. "You comfortable back there", I called out to them, receiving playful glares and laughs. Soon enough Huey, Dewey, and Louie got in, Huey and Dewey taking the actual seats, and leaving Louie to sit on the floor in between them. (You guys ever had to do that? I know I have... If you have a seven seated car you probably know what I'm talking about) Once everyone was in the care, Lena started up the car again and pulled out of the driveway, all of us totally unaware of where we will be going now. "How are you doing Webby?", I heard Huey ask from behind me, I sighed and said, "I'm doing okay, what about you guys". 

      I received a few 'goods', and 'okays', making me grab onto the seat, the anxiety rushing through me. "Webby you need to put your seatbelt on before we reach the highway", I heard Lena say from beside me, breaking me from a trance. I looked down and saw that I didn't have a seatbelt on, which made me panic and put the seatbelt on which force and carefulness. "Where are you taking us?", I asked seeming to be the only one wondering where the hell we were going. "Don't worry about it Webby, we'll be okay", I heard Louie say, obviously trying to calm me down, but that wasn't the answer I wanted right now. For some reason I can go from being chill, to an anxious mess, which worried everyone including me. I turned my head to look out my window, similar to what I did earlier, only this time I became more anxious seeing the highway and all the cars that surrounded us. "Girl, you really need to calm down, we're just going to a hotel in the outskirts of the Calisota, it's really nothing you need to worry about", Lena said answering my question from before, immediately calming me down. The fact that I was leaving Granny behind, and the mansion behind drove me insane, but at this point I knew that nothing could stop this, and I just needed to gather myself back together and get over it, only if it was that easy. I started to zone out, but was brought out of it, seeing a bullet fly through my window and out Lena's window, making Lena swerve to the lane beside us, causing people to honk, and cars behind us to slow down at immense speeds. "What the fuck!", I heard Lena say from beside me. 

Sorry if that chapter was a little wack...I don't think it was my best work, but I just pushed through it...

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