Chapter Twenty-Five

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(I do not own the quote above)

Louie's POV

      "Louie? Louie, you need to get back to the apartment building, now!", a very feminine voice said, making my heart stop and my eyes widen. The body got off of me and I turned around and saw Webby standing in front of me with glossy eyes. "Webby? What are you doing?", I asked taking a hold of her hands while she pulled me up to my feet, I stared at her intensely the sudden wave of anger washing over me. "You shouldn't be here", I whispered out while letting go of her hands and dropping mine to my side, the cold feeling rushing back to me, from the lack of touch. "Louie, you need to look at me, and listen", Webby said, but I wasn't having it so I said back, "No, you need to listen to me. You need to go back to Ms, Beackly and you need to go back to your new home and live the life you should have had before you moved into the mansion", my voice cracking a little at the end, but I knew that the only way to get her to leave is to be strong. The sun started to rise, and I could feel he heat hitting the back of my head, but I still felt cold no matter what amount of heat would hit my body. I shifted my feet and looked at one of the abandoned buildings to my left, while saying, "I'm sorry, but this is for you, I shouldn't have used you like I did, I shouldn't have made you come back all those times". I felt Webby's hand land on my shoulder as she said, "Why are you sorry? This is the life I want...I don't want to be cooped up in a home with no one but my grandma, that's boring and no fun", Webby giggled I little bit before continuing, "Y'know you didn't make me do any of the things that I did, I actively chose to run away, I chose to come back to you because I knew that this is what I wanted". 

      I turned back towards Webby and smiled, her words and voice warming my heart, setting off fireworks in my stomach. I took in Webby's gorgeous smile before saying, "Why did you ask me to come back to the apartment building though?", I tilted my head in confusion, scanning Webby's face for an answer. I watched her eyes light up as she said, "Oh! So I can make my choice of who I'm going with", she smiled brightly again, as more confusion ran through my head, "Wait, so you haven't even made a decision yet?", I asked. Webby dropped her hand from my shoulder and shook her head, and said, "Well I have, from the help of a certain someone", she shook her phone in front of me, obviously signaling that whoever helped her was over the phone. I smiled weakly and said, "Well you don't need me for the decision since you're going with Ms. Beackly", my fake smile dropped to a frown, seeing Webby's smile drop and an eyebrow raise. I watched as Webby shook her head and laugh sarcastically before saying, "Have you been listening to anything I have said? I'm literally going to choose you, haven't I made myself clear with my little speech". I dropped my head and let out a shaky laugh, and said, "Oh, I guess I didn't really catch that", as I felt Webby playfully punch me in the arm, she said, "You've got to be kidding me".  A true genuine smile replaced the frown on my face as I looked up and saw Webby smiling with her teeth showing. I kept staring at her before she broke my trance by saying, "Y'know, your mom is right, you are quite a handful, Lou", I felt my cheeks heat up as she started laughing at her own comment. "I don't know why you even listen to that old broad, she abandoned us for the second time, and she's an absolute crazy mess", I shot back, her laughter dying down before she erupted into a fit of laughter again.

      "We should probably head back now", Webby said after her laughter calmed down and her breathing was steady. I looked back at the sun and saw it has rose a lot more than I had expected it to while I was talking to Webby. I scratched the back of my neck while turning back around to face Webby before saying, "'re probably right, they're most likely worries sick about us...thinking we probably got kidnapped" , I whispered out the last part. "As if", Webby scoffed, my eyes flickering with confusion as I looked at her. She answered my confusion by saying, "There would be no way I would get kidnapped, I'm too good, but I don't know about you Lou. You're a lot cause", I laughed at Webby's confidence as we started walking back towards the apartment building. We walked in silence for a bit before I certain question popped in my head and my curiosity got the best of me so I asked, "Who helped you make the decision? Like you said someone over the phone helped you make the decision. Who was it?" . I felt my hands retreat to my pockets as Webby started, "First off, I never said someone over the phone helped me", I shook my head while saying, "Yes...but you were implying it by shaking your phone in my face". I could see Webby nod out my peripheral vision as she said, "Exactly, I was implying it not saying it", as we turned the corner I said back, "Okay same difference, but who was it". I heard Webby sigh out in annoyance before saying back, "No not same difference, implying and saying something are two different things, Louie".

      I could feel my eyebrows furrow and my arms stiffen up at her tone, so I stopped and waited for her to stop. When she did she turned around and said, "What?! Why are you stopping, we need to get back to the apartment building". I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in then said, "Webby, I Don't Care if implying and saying things are different, I just want to know who you were talking to over the phone" I opened my eyes and I could feel the Webby tense up in front of me, my voice was cold and straight forward, enough for anyone to see that trust was one thing me and Webby didn't have even though we say we trust each other all the time. "Louie, I'm fourteen, you are too...heck you'll be fifteen in a few days, I don't need you to monitor who I talk to, plus I don't even know why it matters so much to you, we're just friends anyway". I could feel the hurt in my heart catch up with me, the exceeding amount of pain take over my emotional state. I looked across the street at the busy diner, and I squinted my eyes before turning back towards Webby and started walking in the same direction before I let Webby know that I was an overprotective freak. "Let's just keep going back" , was all I could say before an immense amount of silence washed over the both of us while we walk. Soon enough we made it back to the very new but oddly similar building, and we stepped inside the building feeling a slight change in temperature. "Louie", Webby said grabbing a hold of my arm stopping so from going into the elevator. "What?", I asked, kinda annoyed that after everything she still wants to talk to me, but I let it happen, knowing the consequences that were bound to come. "Look, I'm sorry I snapped at you, I just got overwhelmed at this new type of you, that broke through the old you", Webby said her words needing a further explanation so instead of talking I let her continue, "This 'overprotective' you".

     I nodded my head in response knowing that whatever has happened in the past four, almost five, years, I definitely changed in additude and behaviour. I kept my face straight a little smile forming before saying, "It's okay, I was just kinda hoping that you would've answered me instead of totally blowing off my question". I saw Webby step back and she put one of her hands over her chest as she said, "So this is my fault now?!" . I could feel the same tension in the air as before as I said, "Well kinda, instead of answering my question, you totally blew up on me by saying that you were a big girl now or some shit". I could feel that I overstepped again but it was super difficult not to hold back all the anger and frustration that had been building up in me for the past twelve hours. Webby looked at me extremely offended as she shot back, "I'm sorry that I actually grew up, Mr. has his head up his ass", I knew that at this point she wasn't holding back any of her anger anymore. "Yea, grew up to be so fricken annoying, Jeeze I have migraine just standing in front of you", I hissed, sarcastically rubbing my temples like I have a headache. Webby glared at me then put her finger to my chest while saying, "I don't what the hell happened you, or who pissed in your Cheerios this morning, but you need to take a few steps back and stay in your lane", I looked down at her and smirked before shooting back, "What's got your panties in a bunch, Webs?". She dropped her hands to her side and clenched her fists, I could see the anger flowing through her so I tested something, "Do you still want to go with me now? Or do you want to go back to your 'Granny '", I said mocking her. "Shut up!" , she said through gritted teeth, and she walked into the elevator mumbling, "I was wrong to go after you, dickhead", and like that the elevator door closed leaving me by myself in front of it. The conversation from before started flowing back to me and I realized that I had really overstepped, I let my anger towards my brothers get the best of me, hurting the one person that I cared about the most.

Hi! Okay so I know I said I would be going on hiatus for my books after publishing one chapter in each, but if you guys want instead of doing an art chapter, I can do another chapter of this book. Also I know that this kinda took a turn, with Louie and Webby fighting and all, but I think it develops their relationship more as people by themselves than them more less together as one. I feel this can help them find each other's weaknesses and what not. Honestly my shitty explanation probably means nothing, but I promise by the end of this book it will make sense in what I'm trying to poorly explain. 😅💕❤

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