Chapter Eight

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(I do not own the quote above)

Webby's POV

      It was going to be a long night. I couldn't sleep, I kept tossing, and turning, listening to music, reading books, watching whatever was on T.V, but the dreaded conversation from earlier today kept flowing back to me. I stared into the small alarm clock that was perched on my nightstand, it read 1:45. I guess the conversation was yesterday, I sighed. I rolled out of bed for the fifth time, and groggily made my way to my door that led to the hall. I opened it with ease, and slipped through the door and shut it unaware of the noise the handle made. I walked down the stairs as my head purposed I go for a walk to clear my mind. I decided to follow through, I mean why not? I grabbed my phone off the counter and turned around making my way to the immense doorway. I looked down at what I had on, it was high waisted sweatpants and a black t-shirt that read , 'Slipknot'. I guess lately I've been getting into a lot more alternative, and grunge inspired clothing. I reached for my jacket on the coat hanger, and pulled it off with more force than what was needed. I put the jacket and slipped on a pair of old sneakers, and opened the large door and started my journey. I had no idea where I was going, but where ever I was, it was bound to be 'adventurous'. It was quite a walk just to make it to the main road that led straight through Duckburg. 

      I looked down at my phone and the time read, '2:21 am'. I sighed and kept walking staring at the all of the stores that had signs that said closed. Just to my luck, I found a small gas station that lit up the night sky, along with the massive amount of cars that drove down the highway not to far from the gas station. I walked into the almost stranded petrol station to see a young man only about 3 years older than me working as the cashier. (Did I ever mention they are 14? No? OK well Webby, Dewey, Louie and Huey are 14 in this book ;-;) I looked over at the dirty blonde duck and his name tag read, 'Dean'. I guess I was staring too long because he said, "Isn't it a little late for you to be out?". I shrugged and called back, "Just going for a walk, crazy family if y'know what I'm saying". I walked over to the front desk and scanned the candy bars that laced the counter.  I turned to the counter that was to the left of the desk and looked at the candy bars on that table, and out of my peripheral vision I could see him nodding at my previous sentence. Without saying a word I did a 180 and walked back to the fridge looking things and grabbed a Coca Cola out of it. I walked back to the counter standing in front of Dean and put my Coke and a Twix bar on the counter. He nodded once again and said, "That's why I got a job here". I looked up him and said, "I don't think you'll hire a 14 year old though". I heard him laugh a musical laugh. 

      I walked out of the gas station with my Twix bar in my mouth and Coke in my left hand, and decided it was time to go find another place to go inside. I walked towards the park since most places aren't open at 3:10 am. I sat down on a mossy bench and put my candy wrapper in my pocket, and set down my Coke. I pulled a new piece of paper out of the opposite pocket and it read, 'Call Me ###-###-#### ~Dean'. I laughed at his lack of knowledge, and entered his number into my phone. I slouched a bit but my postured straightened at the rustle of leaves in the near distance. I turned around scanning the small park, seeing nothing but plants and benches. Then I heard the rustle again except closer this time. I stood up grabbing my half empty coke and called out, "Who's there!". I decided to withdraw myself from the park and make my way back to the mansion. I made my way back up the same street I came down and made it back to the familiar walkway. I looked up at the sky and saw watched the sun rise, and confused I looked at my phone and the time said it was, '5:08 am'. Time must fly when you're in the park, I laughed again. I made a distinct decision of talking the long way back to the mansion to make my journey longer. After a while I made it to the front door and opened it cautiously trying to make the least amount of noise. 

      I tiptoed into the mansion and quickly turned around to close the door. Then I kicked off my shoes and slipped off my jacket with ease and hung it up quickly. I grabbed the rest of the change in my pocket and my phone. I got a strong grip on my coke trying so hard not to drop it. Once I acquired everything that was needed I turned back around to see a tall and small duck obviously waiting for me to get back for quite awhile. I froze and realized that I got caught, I was done for. I know that Scrooge couldn't have heard me leave the mansion because he wears ear plugs at night, so that means one of the other ducks would have told on me, and it was quite obvious who it was. 

(Sorry for the shorter chapter it was needed to the suspense for what will happen in the next chapter. Also sorry if this chapter moved a little slower than the other ones, again it was needed to suspense. ;-;)





Special Thanks to these people 

If Only You Knew~ *Ducktales Fanfic*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon