Chapter Twenty-Six

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(I do not own the quote above)

Webby's  POV 

      I was completely infuriated with Louie, and I really wanted nothing to do with him now. I pushed my way past him and made my way into the elevator while mumbling, "I was wrong to go after you, dickhead". I watched as the elevator door closed with ease, and I sighed out before gently pushing the number three, which sent me up to the floor level slowly. As the door opened I was greeted with and unfamiliar face and a cleaning cart, the women looked as if she was in her early fifties, and she had a very pretty caramel colored fur that matched well with her dark red hair. "Excuse me", the women called out before pushing her cart into the elevator, and to my luck I squeezed out right before the doors shut again. I looked down the empty hallway and followed the numbers on the walls until I was met with the number '365'. I slowly raised my hand to meet the door and instead of knocking I turned around and walked to the door behind me, the door read, 'Staircase: Use with caution'. I opened up to the door to the staircase and looked down at the long flight of stairs that lied before me. "Webby? what are you doing?", a voice similar to April's asked. I turned my head back and as I thought, it was a curious April, who was holding a plate of pancakes and a little bottle of syrup. "Nothing...", I grumbled out, looking back towards the stairs, I felt her put a hand on my shoulder as she steadied the pancakes in her other hand. "What happened, I thought you went to go get Louie", she asked more curious about Louie than I actually thought. I shrugged out and sat on the first step of the stairs, making April do the same. 

      "Are you gonna talk, or do I have to pry it out of you", she said, it sounding less like a question than she probably intended. "We fought", was all I could say before letting my head rest onto my knees, and I watched as April set down the plate of pancakes so she could face me better. "Webby, I know we've only talked a few times but if you could listen to what I have to say that would be wonderful", April said, making my eyes narrow, but I didn't want to argue so I agreed. "Fighting is okay, I know that you guys have probably fought before, but I don't know what is so different about this fight", April said, sounding a little breathless at the end. I shook my head as I said, "He doesn't trust me", which caused April to turn her head and give me a confused look. "The only reason we're fighting is because I implied that someone helped me make my decision over the phone, and Louie asked who it was, but I didn't answer him so it just turned into a stupid fight", I said answering every question April probably had coming up. April turned her head away from me and breathed out an "Oh". I lifted my head up from my knees and started to rant, "Honestly I don't know why he wanted to know so much, it literally had nothing to do with him, and just because i go and talk to another guy he gets all defensive and stuff". I heard April start to laugh, it was quiet and musical but it still offended me. Then April started up, "Webby, he's jealous", her three words changed my entire way of thinking...was Louie really jealous...but I didn't even tell him it was a guy...and he was immediately jealous? "Are you sure?", I asked making sure what I was hearing was hundred percent accurate to what she said. 

      I could feel April start to get up as she said, "Yea, I'm sure, just go talk to him like you always do, I'm sure he'll forgive you, you just need to explain who you were actually talking to and make sure he isn't getting any wrong ideas", and like that April was gone into the room. I looked up at the ceiling and I just wanted to sit here and do nothing, but I was wasting everyone's time, instead of making a decision like I should have been, I'm going on a wild goose chase again to find Louie. I stood up and closed the door to the staircase and I knocked on the door that led to the room we rented out. I stood there for a few seconds before the door flung open almost hitting my face but I brushed it off. I was greeted my Lena who was standing at the door and she looked at me with a smile and said, "You ready to make your decision now". I took her by surprise as I shook my head and all I could manage to get out was, "I need Dewey now!". It took a minute for Dewey to stand up and meet me by the door but once he was there I grabbed a hold of his hand and dragged him out of the room letting the door close. "What in the world are you doing Webby?", Dewey asked his voice rough and harsh, but it didn't bother me. I let go of his hand and stared at him with contempt and once his bewildered expression dropped, mine did too. "We need to go apologize to Louie", I said, taking him by surprise once again, because he said, "We?!". I shook my head at his loudness and grabbed a hold of his shirt collar before saying, "We've both done some messed up shit that has upset Louie, and I don't know about you but, he has become an insecure jerk. We need to fix our mistakes and help out Louie instead of driving him away". 

      "That sounded super cliché...", Dewey said causing my confident look drop to a small smile. "Whatever", I mumbled out before walking towards the elevator, and Dewey followed not to far behind me. "So we're just going to apologize?", Dewey asked, his curiosity sincere. I cocked my head to the side and said, "Well yes...but we also have to make sure he still isn't hostile like before". We both walked into the elevator and I pressed the button to let us down to ground level, and Dewey started up, "Well I mean he should be able to control his own emotions, I mean he isn't a crybaby, he just has a lot of pent up anger", I nodded my head and said "Exactly". Once the elevator made it down to the ground level, me and Dewey shot out of the elevator and instantly looked around the lobby. We were walking and I made my way into what looked like a small café, but right before I stepped inside Dewey grabbed a hold of my shirt and said, "Why are you going in there?". I turned around and shot him an unsatisfied glance and he let his grip on my shirt fall as I said, "Cause he might be in there" . Dewey didn't say anything, instead he walked into the small shop connected to the apartment building, and I followed behind, receiving strange looks from the ducks that lined the tables of the building. I felt a cold chill go down my spine and I pushed my head down letting my hair fall to the sides of my face creating a wall between me and the twisted looks. "There he his", Dewey whispered out, causing me to jump, but I looked passed him and saw Louie sitting down at a table by himself, totally unaware that Dewey and I were standing right in front of him. I pushed past Dewey and took a seat across from Louie, his head not raising from the steeping cup of coffee in his hands. "Didn't know you drank coffee", I said smiling sheepishly as Dewey came and say down next to me. My voice must've scared Louie because he jump a little bit when you looked up to meet my gaze he said, "It tastes like shit". And smiled a stupid toothy smile.

There is the chapter as promised

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