Chapter Twenty-Nine

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(I do not own the quote above)

Louie's POV

It had been exactly one week since Webby and I started dating and I had to admit it was a little awkward at first, but I think she's warming up to me. 

On other news my birthday, along with Huey and Dewey's was tomorrow, and Webby had said something about a special surprise. In my head, I think she may get me something weird like a dog with three heads, or a new laundry basket, but I think she's had enough exposure to the world to understand that I may not enjoy having those items. 

"Louieeeee!", Webby squealed out from behind me wrapping her arms around my chest, snuggling her head into my back. 

"What is it Webs?", I asked out playing with her hands in the process. 

I felt her let go of me, and on instinct I turned around to face her, my eyes wondering straight to her eyes, the aquamarine color calming me in essence. 

"So I was thinking about your birthday and what not, and we should go out to eat tonight since we'll be with everyone tomorrow, I think it would be good for just us to hang out", Webby smiled out questionly. 

I shoved my hands into my pockets as I thought about it for a minute, knowing that most places around here you needed a reservation to get in. 

"I don't know, we'll need a reser-" "I already got one", Webby cut me off, catching me by surprise. 

"Oh you did...really?", I asked out, trying to not let the curious side of me take over. 

"Yea I reserved Chama Gaucha, y'know the Brazilian steakhouse", Webby said, her bubbliness making me smile. 

"Did you tell Le-" "Yep Lena knows", Webby said cutting me off again, which caused me to laugh. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off, I'm just excited", Webby apologized shyly the blush of embarrassment covering her face as she scratched the back of her neck. 

"What time do we have to be there?", I asked making my way from the kitchen to the living room to take a seat on the couch. 

Webby followed and she sat on the coffee table in front of the couch as she said, "5:30". 

"Where are you guys going?", June questioned with a smirk from the recliner to my left. 

"We're going out to eat", I answered back, mumbling a little bit at the end unintentionally. 

I watched June nod as I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the time which read, '3:40', as soon as I read the time I put my phone back into my pocket and as soon as I went to look up at Webby I realized that she was gone. 

"Where'd Webby go?", I asked curiously and as I turned my head towards June I realized that she was gone and where she was sitting was replaced with Dewey. 

"June, May, April, and Violet stole her so Webby could get dressed", he said looking up from his phone smiling towards me. 

"oh", I mumbled out standing up, walking towards what was classified as 'my room', but was heavily shared with Dewey, Huey, April, Violet, and Webby. 

I pushed open the door and walked into the room my eyes wandering to the closet, knowing that I should probably get dressed, I put my phone down and opened up the large walk in closet. 

Once I got inside of the closet my eyes started fell straight onto a white short sleeved dress shirt that hung next to a neatly folded pair of black dress pants. As I walked to get a better look at it I subconsciously pulled the pants and shirt off of the hangers, knowing that I was going to where this. 

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