Chapter Nine

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(I do not own the quote above)

(Trigger Warning)

Webby's POV

      There was one thing that came clear to me at this time, I was in trouble, and Dewey was to blame. I was never the type to point fingers, but at this time it was necessary. "Whatcha up to lad", Scrooge said, not even making it sound like a question. There I stood still as a rock, there was no turning back I guess. "I went for a walk", I 'answered', hoping the sentence wasn't rhetorical. "How long were ya out?", he questioned, the glare on is face was antsy, obviously waiting for me to spill my whole night. "I was out for a few hours", I once again answered more monotone than the last. He stood there no words to say just waiting for me to continue on where I went. "I went to the gas station in town, then sat down at the park, then I came back here", I said, truth lacing every word, I wasn't the type to lie unless it was absolutely needed. Scrooge looked like he didn't care and he was glad that I left the house for a little bit, to was quite confusing. "Well if that's all ya did, I guess I can't say anything, I used to do it when I was a wee bit child like you", Scrooge said, making me suddenly relieved. As Scrooge was turning around, Dewey blurted out, "So you're just gonna let her off the hook, she SNUCK out at two in the morning and came back at five!". I was so appalled at my own boyfriends words, the tension in my body before flowed back to me. 

      "Dewey lad, what are you trying to get at, she went for a walk didn't get kidnapped, and came back unharmed", Scrooge said exasperated, at the fact that Dewey wouldn't let the subject matter go. "I understand that, but she didn't tell anyone before she left, hey she could have been doing a drug deal for all I care", Dewey shot back, honestly at this point it felt like Dewey was trying to purposely get me in trouble. Scrooge face palmed and said calmly, "Alright lad what do you want me to do?". Dewey's eyes lit up as he contemplated on punishments', after a little bit he said, "You could take away her phone and then ground her, from leaving the house including adventures". My jaw dropped at the peculiar list he came up with, at this point I had enough. I walked up to Dewey with fierce eyes and said, "What the hell dude! You're supposed to be my boyfriend, you supposed to be on my side of things, you can't go throwing around punishments because you're upset that I left the house for three hours without you!". At this point Scrooge had left the room obviously wanting us to sort this mess out. "I'm not upset that you left the house without me", he said trying to win me back over to the calm side. I threw my hands up and said, "Then why are you TRYING to get me in trouble! No one would have ever found out a thing if you would've bit your damn tongue!" 

      I stormed away, not continuing the argument but to leave him in shame. I made my way up the stairs that I remember coming down earlier, I wanted to talk about, but I realized that I can't trust anyone anymore, Dewey's trying to ruin me, Louie hates me, and Huey hates me too. I went to my room and shut the door with an over amount force causing a loud slam, afterwards I locked the door not ready to deal with anyone. I sat on my bed feeling the hot tears threatening to fall, I looked at the picture on my wall. I had four years worth of pictures with the triplets, what ever happened to the happy 10, 11, 12, 13 year old ducks. What ever happened to the innocence, the laughter, the no fighting. Where did it go wrong, Scrooge was ever so slightly involved in our lives unless we were in trouble or we had game night. Donald was never here unless he was invited for game night. Della left us again. And Granny hid in her room all day only coming out to clean every so often. I didn't realize I was crying until I touched my cheek, only to feel the wet tears staining my face. I turned on my phone and clicked google, and I looked up, 'How to deal with over bearing sadness'. 

      I scrolled through many results, seeing how to cope with depression, and  how to know if you have depression. They weren't quite helpful, but I left them there if I got really desperate. I scrolled some more watching some YouTube videos, seeing that meditation is a good way to deal with being sad. I decided to try it, so I put on some classical music and sat down on my floor and took deep breaths trying to clear my mind. But the same stupid conversation from earlier kept flooding my thoughts, contaminating my head. I turned off the music and looked at more results. I saw that drawing your thoughts it helpful, so I grabbed a piece of paper and started to blindly sketch. After ten minutes I looked at the final piece and was disturbed, it was hideous and made even more terrified than I was. I threw it away and got on my bed once again and refined my search to, 'Easy ways to deal with sadness'. It was about the same as the last search just more clear on how to draw, which pissed me off. I just kept scrolling, I was too far into the results to ever turn back now, it was like once you pass all the normal results things get more deep, more personal. I kept scrolling as before until one result caught my eye, it read, 'Cut Yourself'. 





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