Chapter Twenty-Eight

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(I do not own the quote above)

Webby's POV

I didn't know what I expected to come out of his mouth, but apparently whatever went through Louie's head didn't go through my head.

"I uh-", I mumbled out, knowing that I should just say yes but my mouth couldn't form the words.

"Oh, if you don't want to then I understand", Louie said disappointed as he backed away from me, making me feel more ashamed than I was feeling.

I could feel my mind racing, as Louie stood there his face dropping expression, and I still couldn't answer him. I noticed myself subconsciously grabbing into my shirt and as I tried to move towards Louie I watched him move backwards once more.

"Give me some time to think about it", I said out teary eyed as I felt my hands drop to my sides.

" I-...okay ", Louie mumbled out an offended look showed through his eyes as he glared at the ground.

I turned around and walked towards the stairway, punishing myself for procrastinating my feelings towards Louie. I pushed open the door to the stairway and as I walked up the stairs I stopped myself when I heard the door click close.

I felt myself reach up and grab a handful of hair as a few tears rolled down my cheek. My legs wobbled on the stairs as if I was balancing on eggs, trying not to break them. I wheezed in a breath trying not to have a panic attack.

"It's okay Webby, it's okay", I whispered to myself, reassuring myself that what I was doing was completely allowed and that I shouldn't feel any pressure.

I forced myself to let go of my hair and make my breathes deeper and steadier.

Once I calmed down, I smiled out to the world, showing that every time I have a problem I don't cry and break down, messing around with my health more than I have.

I kept walking up the stairs till I made it to the level I needed to be on and once I did I opened the door to that level and I shook the handle to "our" apartment room.

Gladly enough I was met by a short haired girl, whom is slightly taller than me and twice as mature. I watched May smile as she stepped aside allowing me to walk in, and I did so waiting for her to close the door.

"Where is everyone?", I asked my curiosity peeking as I scanned the room for other people.

"They all went out for breakfast since April tripped and dropped the pancakes on her way to the kitchen", May explained, causing me to nod.

I turned around to face the other female as she still had her hand resting on the doorknob, as if she were to make a run for it.

"Why didn't you go?", I asked, May's presence confusing me.

"I'm not hungry", she replied quickly catching me off guard.

I watched as May dropped her hand off of the doorknob and she stopped leaning on the door as she approached me with caution. I stood in front of her a little confused as she made it closer to me with no hesitation.

"May... ", I breathed out, more awkward than usual, as she layed her hands on top of my shoulders.

I felt her hands slowly trace my arms till she reached my waist and I could instantly feel myself trying to squirm free from her grasp.

I opened my mouth to say something once more my she stopped me by bringing one of her fingers to my lips causing my face to flush from embarrassment.

"Just let me try this", she whispered out causing shivers to run down my spine.

I felt as she cupped my face in her hands as she slowly brought her face towards mine, until our lips touched. As soon as it happened my "Fight or Flight" response kicked in and the adrenaline let me push her away from me.

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