Chapter 40

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"I have already made the teams so when I call out your name just go where I say."the gym teacher said then he began calling out names.
And in the end three of my brothers friends are in my team. While Caylus is in the other team.
The teams arrangement didn't bother me much except from the fact. That I now had to talk to at least one of my brothers friends. So that we can get the strategy down.
Caylus's team and the team I'm in are the first two teams to go against each other. And the boy that asked about the gym office is in Caylus's team.
Caylus's team wins the face off and the game starts the first few minutes is fillies with people running up and down the court dribbling the ball.
Cayl's team managed to shoot the basketball in to the net. Followed closely by my team making a point for our selves.
We end up tied with only two minutes to goi try to block someone from passing but instead of going around me he just bashed right into me.
I go flying about two or three meters from where I was and I land awkwardly on my foot. K heard a huge crack as I fell to the floor.
My brother Caylus rushes over and so did
Jack and Carter since there in my gym class as well.
"What is wrong with you."Caylus says while shoving the boy who bashed into me. It's the same boy as before People are just so annoying.
"Come on Kacey I'll take you to the nurses office."Carter said "are you able to walk."I shook my head signalling I couldn't. Cause I knew that if I spoke my voice would break because of the pain. Carter got down and placed his back towards me so I would climb on it.
"Look what you did you jerk."Jack yelled as we got out of the gym that's all I hear of the conversation before the gym doors close behind us. We head towards the nurses office so she can check out my injured foot.
"Carter do you think it's broken."I whimper and hug him tighter
"I can't say. I'm not sure but if it I'll be there with you."he reassures me
We got to the nurses office
"Place her on the bed please."the nurse asks carter, pushing me out of my day dream
He lightly places me on the bed and when my foot hits the bed I scrunch up my face to avoid screaming in pain.
"I'm going to call the some of the guys and tell them what happened. Are you ok in here for a few minutes."he asks me and I slowly nod my head yes. I don't want him to leave I'm afraid he won't come back and will instead just go and hang out with his friends.
"I'll be right outside it won't take more than a minute."he reassures me and steps out of the room.
"Where did you hurt your self." The nurse asks I point to my left foot and then close my eyes. I feel the nurse gently taking off my shoe and then sock.
"Oh my."she says this makes me open my eyes and look at her. She is looking straight at my foot. I move my gaze to my foot and see that my ankle is all blue and is swollen. My eyes widen and I began to fell dizzy.

613 words

Life With abusive parents, then finding out I had more brothers than I thoughtWhere stories live. Discover now