Chapter 33

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Kacey and Mikey were cuddled up on Mikeys bed watching a movie. Andy was doing a Live and then there was three. Me Rye and Brook were playing Fifa.
"I'm bored Brook whined."when me him and Rye were finished playing Fifa.
"I know let's go to the cinema." Rye said jumping up.
"No I'm not doing that again."Kacey laughed.
"Please."Rye begged
"No I think I'm gonna take a walk."Kacey said standing up.
"Ok this is the plan you guys go to the cinema and me and Kacey will go on a walk."I said then we walked out of the flat.
"You don't have to come with me I'm old enough to go on my own."Kacey said giggling and turning around.
"No your not your still a baby and you need to be protected."I said
"I'm the same age as you dumby dandruff."
"No your not I'm 12 your 11 and call me that one more time and see what happens."I said
"But I'm turning 12 in December dumby dandruff."as soon as she said dumby dandruff i picked her up and put her over my shoulder. And then started tickling her while I was walking.
She was begging me to stop tickling her but I didn't and she didn't stop laughing.
It had been a couple of minutes I put her down and put my arm around her shoulder in a protective way and started walking.
We headed out towards the park and every couple of seconds Jed would find a way to annoy me he's actually so annoying.
When we got there we saw some fans. Jed took his arm off of my shoulders.
"Jed over here." A girl shouted
"Oh my god my future husband has arrived." Another girl said
"Hey Jackie come here." Another said
I stood there and watched Jack interact with the fans. Soon more fans came and a bunch of girls came over to me. They were the type that looked like they were spoiled brats like they were way too much make up. Anyways I think you have an idea.
"What are you doing here and why are you with Jack." One said looking me up and down with a disgusted look.
"Ha she can't even speak properly."another one laughed I am very anti social.
"You should go back to the dump where you came from."the first one laughed
"Jed or any of the other boys don't deserve you." The last one said and then they walked off and started flirting with Jed I sat down at the entrance of the park just thinking about what they said. They were right. He was still talking to those girls. So I walked off not wanting to be there anymore.
I walked past the flat and bumped into someone.
"Sorry I wasn't lo...kacey? Is that you?" The guy asked I looked up to see Jordan great we haven't talked since the park incident.
"H...hey Jord."I stuttered
"Hey how are you."
"I'm fine."
"What's wrong."
"Your not talking much."
"So I don't want to talk."
"Come on I spent a whole week in the same room with you and I'm your big brother.
I think I would know if something was up."
"I don't want to talk about it."
"Please talking about it wi..."
"JORDAN I SAID I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!"I yelled and ran off. I heard him about my name a couple of times but I just kept on running. I found a bench to sit on I put my head in my hands and started crying. Someone tapped my shoulder I looked up and saw Brook and Rye.
"Kacey what's wrong? Where's jack?" Rye asked sitting besides me
He...he'"was all I could say before I burst out into tears again.
"Oh come on your making me sad you know I don't like seeing my little cuddle buddy crying." Brook said giving me a hug I wrapped my arms around his neck and cried on his shoulder with Rye rubbing my back. Once I calmed down I told them about Jordan and that Jack was at the park with some fans. But I didn't tell them what they said.

724 words

Life With abusive parents, then finding out I had more brothers than I thoughtWhere stories live. Discover now