Chapter 41

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"They're on their way."Carter says when he opens the door. He puts away his phone and looks at my ankle. I see his eyes widen with shock when he saw it.
"I'm sorry to have to say this but your going to have to go to the hospital, I'll call for an ambulance."the nurse says that and then walks away Carter comes closer and closer to me. And I take his hand he squeezes my hand. And looks at my phone again.
"Please don't make me go there please."I nearly beg him.
"Kacey your ankle is probably broken we have to go and get it fixed."he says this with a sympathetic voice. But I am still on the verge of crying.
"Kace I'll be with you the whole time I won't leave you alone." Carter reassures me once he saw my face.
"I promise."he say right as the door leading to the corridor opens and in walks Charlie and Andy.
"What do you promise." Charlie asks Carter before coming over to me he looks me over to see what is wrong when he sees my ankle.
"Ye ouch! What did you do."Andy asks while walking towards Carter and I.
"An idiot ran into her during gym class and she went flying and then she landed on her ankle." Carter explains which is something I'm thankful for. While he was doing that I was concentrating on trying not to think about how painful my ankle is.
"The ambulance should be here soon sweetie." The nurse said.
"Can one of you boys go to the front entrance to help direct the paramedics to this room." She asks and Charlie nodded and left.
"I'm going to call Aaron and Rye so they can meet us there."Andy said and left the room.
I nodded and closed my eyes to get some rest. Once my eyes were closed I started to drift off and after a while I fell asleep.

I woke up quickly once I felt someone picking me up. My eyes flew opened and instead of seeing one of my brothers or Andy as expected. I saw a stranger.
"Ahh!" I screamed and tried to get away. The man instantly backed up and gave me some space. My rushed movements didn't need well since they caused pain to once again shoot from my ankle.
"Carter where are you."I asked once I realised I was still in the nurses office.
"It's ok Kacey I'm right here that man was the paramedic he came to bring us to the hospital."
Carter explained and walked towards me. Once he was close enough I hugged his waist since it was all I could reach at this moment.
(It's because she's short even though Carters the same age as her😂)

500 words
(Hope this chapter was good enough.  Any ideas just comment or message me)

Life With abusive parents, then finding out I had more brothers than I thoughtUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum