Chapter 66

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(Logan's PoV)

I think Jed has done some self harm recently, I need to try and see if he has or not without me freaking him out.

I was looking at Jed out of the corner of my eye watching him closely, when Landon suddenly appeared out of nowhere and jumped onto Jed's chest.
"Hey bud what's wrong?" I asked him.
Jed was lying down so it shouldn't of hurt him that much.
"What's hurting you show us now Jed."My triplet Cameron said looking up from his phone. But Jed just shakes his head.

"Carlos you take Landon out of the room and you four hold down his arms and legs."Cal said,  pointing towards Aaron, Leo, Cameron and Charlie. And with that Aaron and Charlie held down his Legs, Cameron and Leo held down his arms.
Jed's head was already lying on Brody's lap so Brody starting stroking his hair, while Colton slowly started to raise Jed's top.

(Jed's PoV)

I just held my breath waiting, but I just felt that the arms that held me down were now gone, and you could feel how thick the air was.
"Well Shit!"Brody muttered but it was that silent that everybody heard.

*Later that night,
also I skipped Halloween*

I got told that I had to stay in Andy's room tonight, so I was in his room getting ready for bed. Andy passed me a pair of his shorts, I quickly took off my jeans and top. and put on the shorts that Andy had gave me.

I hopped into his bed and got under the covers straight away since it was freezing, I must have been shivering since when Andy came into the room since he asked me if I was cold.
"Jack you cold."Andy asked
"Yeah."I said, he threw me his hoodie I just sat there and stared at him.

"So you want me to put it on you I guess?"He asked me, I just nodded.
He put the hoodie on me, after he did I went back under the covers and laid down.
I felt him get into the bed too he wrapped one of his arms around me, I shuffled closer to him wanting the heat his body provided. I was still freezing, after that I fell into a dreamless sleep.

I started to wake up and I noticed I wasn't in my own room and that I was in Andy's room. Then I remembered I slept in here last night, I went to get out of the bed but I'm stopped by an arm on my waist, I tried to move but was greeted with a groan from Andy.
"Go back to sleep bud." I don't know what was wrong with me, but suddenly I felt a wave of nausea hit me, as I try to move his arm again I am sick on the floor. 
"Andy help me I am sorry I was sick on your floor help!"I know I probably sound pathetic, At this he jumped up out of his bed.

"Andy I'm going to be sick again."I got up out of the bed and ran to his en-suite bathroom, in a flash he is behind me robbing me back
"Shh your okay everything's fine."
Once I am done puking my guts out, Andy picks me up and carries me back over to his bed. He laid me down and then started cleaning the floor.

608 words

Life With abusive parents, then finding out I had more brothers than I thoughtUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum