Chapter 63

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(Kacey's POV)

Today's Monday, 6am I'm up and I'm ready for the day. I was just chilling scrolling through Facebook when Tag walked into my room.

"Arsole get downstairs."Tag said coming into my room.
"I'm not a dog." I answered
"Oh I'm sorry I thought you were a bitch."
"Really Tag."
"Aye now get down the stairs."
As you can probably tell me and Tag doing really get along anymore.

Before I could even touch as much as a single toe on the stairs, Corey came up behind me, grabbed my waist and hoisted me on his shoulders. My stomach dug into his muscular shoulder as he ran downstairs, He spun me around so that I got dizzy enough that I couldn't walk straight. I fell onto the couch, looked up and saw Corey with his big annoying smirk on his face.

"Was that entirely necessary, Jerkface."I yelled.
He thought about it it for a few seconds before saying.
"No, but I was bored."
"Well you do live in a house with loads of other boys!"I continued
"Hey Kace that's a great idea." He said

Corey yelled for Andy, Chase, Brody, Leo and Cameron. Before I could understand what was going on I was being tackled by a load of Pigs. They all wrestled on top of me for a few minutes before Adam came in and told them to get off of me, and that he needed to talk to them about something important.
'Weird I thought'

*It is now 7am*

"Kace we're going out for breakfast so yeah hurry up."Aaron said.
"Who's coming?" I asked
"Just you, Elijah and Colton."
"So not you."
"No I was just coming to tell you now hurry the fuck up."
"Who rattled your cage."I mumbled
"What did you say."
"That's what I thought."

*At McDonald's*

I had just got out of the toilet and I started to head towards the table that Elijah and Colton were sitting at.

When I reached the table they didn't notice me so I cleared my throat to get there attention. Which got Coltons attention straight away, and realising that he wasn't talking to her, the girl he was taking to looked at me with annoyance and disgust when she realised i was a girl.

"Kacey you ready to go." He seemed really eager to get away from this girl, since he was immediately standing up and putting his hoodie on while reaching for his school bag. Which got the attention of Elijah and the girl he was with.

"Oh why are you leaving? I'm sure she could just leave us be."the girl that was with Colton said with her very high pitched voice, I swear it made my ears bleed.

Colton just rolled his eyes and ignored her, turning to Elijah who nodded and started grabbing his things. So that we could leave which the girls didn't like at all.

"But didn't you guys want to hang out for a bit I mean who even is this bitch, just coming over here when you guys are clearly older than her I mean, I smell desperation."The girl that was with Elijah said while glaring at me with her friend nodding along with her.

Elijah and Colton didn't like that comment they both immediately tensed up and I swear I saw Coltons eyes darken. Which reminded me of when my dad was angry with me, so I backed away a little from him just incase he snapped, but it wasn't me he snapped at.

"She's our sister and unlike you she actually has a personality and we want to have conversations with her, the only time I saw desperation was when you girls walked up with desperation. Now whatever you two thought was going to happen isn't because for one your both bitches, two I have a girlfriend and three Elijah actually has standards so both of you please kindly leave."Colton ranted.

At the end of his rant both girls were gaping at him and Elijah was trying to hold in his laugher but failed when both girls stomped away.

729 words

Life With abusive parents, then finding out I had more brothers than I thoughtWhere stories live. Discover now