Chapter 67

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(Jed's PoV)

I was pulled out of my nightmare.
Bile rose in my throat making me instinctively gag.

"Braylon trash can."Damion said pulling me up, because I started to chicken on the vomit.

(Braylon and Damion are Big Connors friends there 25 years old)

The trash can was quickly shoved in front of me, and with one good slap on the back I had coughed up everything that I had eaten.
I then started to have a seizure.

(Jed has Epilepsy)

After my throw up session and my seizure, Braylon and Damion helped me get un dressed. Braylon and Damion had bathed me and clothed me so many times it felt kinda normal well until both of there eyes landed on my chest, which was were the doctors had opened a few times for surgery.

"Does it hurt." Damion asked, while gently passing his arm over it."

*The Next Day*

"Oh hello there son."Somebody said slapping me across the face.
I turned around and was met with no one other than my stupid dick if a dad.
"Fuck off and leave me alone."I said I could feel a panic attack coming on, so I was trying to keep calm.
He scratched my face, hit and punched me more.

*At Home*

"Oh son I dare you to use that fucking smart mouth again!!! I fucking dare you!!!"Corey screamed at me, my body was shaking and I could feel an anxiety and a panic attack coming my way.

Corey stepped closer to me but Cameron and Connor held him back as Rye stood in front of me.

"Cool your balls Corey and don't fucking shout at him."Rye said in a frustrated voice at Corey. "Jed Take It Off."Rye said to me.
"Take the fucking hood down."Leo growled angrily, I just stared at the floor.

"Take the damn thing off!"Cole said as he slammed his hand down on to the counter top making me even worse.

I slowly pulled it down.
"Who did that were you in a fight or what?"Cal said in his protective voice.
I didn't answer Cal but I could see Jay was trying reading my mind.
Jay went over to Rye and whispered something in his ear which made Rye look at me with sadness in his eyes.

"What exactly happened did he touch you or?" Rye asked me. I answered him through my mind.
"He won't get you, just calm down and rest.

(Kacey's PoV)

I was at a restaurant with Jed, Brook, Kyson, Ash, Harris Jude and Benjamin, when the waitress came over to us.

"Good after noon, what will we be having?"the waitress asked.
"Kacey what do you want?"Brook asked, I shrugged.  
"Kyson, Ash, Jude and Ben what do yous want."Brook asked, Chicken Burger and Juice they all answered.
"Ok Harris bud do you want a chicken burger as well."Jed asked him, Harris said yeah in a very quiet voice.
"We'll have six chicken burgers and 6 co."Jed started but was cut off by Kyson tapping on his leg.
"What's up Bud."

"Ok I'll take you do yous need the the toilet."Jed asked the younger boys. They all nodded. Kyson Ash Ben Harris Jude
"Right well emm... Brook you order and watch Kacey, and I'll take these five to the toilet."Jed said.

"How are you gonna get them all there with out them running off."Brook asked him.
"Ash get on my back, Kyson and Jude use hold my hand."Jed said while picking up Harris and Ben.
"Noo."Jude whined.
"Jude."Jed said in a stern voice.
Jed walked off and took the boys to the toilet.

"Your kids are very cute."She smiled, Brook choked on his water.
"Yous too are like couple goals, so cute."She said while pointing towards Jed who was still walking to the toilet. Me and Brook both made eye contact and tried to not burst out laughing.

(Kyson's pov)

We went to the toilet and Jude had already went back to the table. When I came out of the stall a guy was holding Jed up against the wall, pushing himself up on him.

Life With abusive parents, then finding out I had more brothers than I thoughtWhere stories live. Discover now