Chapter 70

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(Brody's Pov)

I cannot believe this, they said she wouldn't come again...what was she doing here?

I look at Ashley, well let me correct my self the back of her head since her back was faced to me, she was sitting on Cameron's lap. Colton on the other hand had his head in his hands avoiding everyone like usual. Caylus was reading a random book which I don't get since he can't read, While Ashton and Kyson were on their phones.

"Sup."Colton's head raises at the sound of Callum's voice, he sounds relived and gives Callum a fist pump, what about me? Where's mine?

"Where's mine?"I punch him in the shoulder...well I tried but he caught my fist in time and unraveled it. Pulling my thumb to the outside of my hand, he told me to stop punching like that.

"Don't blame me when you get hurt."I shrug, not showing a care for the world,
Ok hoe I'll pay attention next time.

"I won't blame you, I'll blame Ashley."I smile proudly, squeezing in between Colton and Callum. What I didn't enjoy was the two elbows flopping around everywhere.

"Me? What did I do."

"You annoy me."I smirk at her, cheekily with my eyes wrinkled.

"But...Never mind,"she spits out.

"Oops, cat got your tongue?"Cal snickers.

"No, I'm surprised actually, at how you don't have a burger in your hand for once, Cal...are you okay?"She fake concerns.

Cal gasped slamming the book closed and stood up with one of his hands in his hip, the other he's using to point.
"Metabolism bitch."He quotes,
"something you'll never have"

Logan stood up and looked at Ashley straight in the eye.
"Fat shaming is never cool, it just shows your lack of human decency. Even I, who has had a really bad child hood, knows not to do that despite having no parenting set at home."He said.

"Already got it, just like Cameron's bank."She said while glaring at us.


"Is someone digging for gold in here."Carlos sniffs up the air. Nice one but I'll have to punch him for that, that's my line.

"The only people digging gold are the ones who are making my bracelet, that Cameron just bought me,"Ashley said, she kissed Cameron on the cheek which he accepted. Ew, you, Rat.

"Aww that's sweet of you Cameron did you buy her some clothes yet? She seems to be lacking?"I pity him, with a quivered lip.

"Funny."he says monotonously.

"Brody."Connor warns but there was a playful tone hidden behind his deep voice.


"Stop."He didn't say much, as he used his hand to cover his smirk. Heh, smile noodle head.

Kacey's stomach grumbled, causing an earthquake.
"I'm hungry."She said aloud to the entire room, Leo stood up taking her hand in his and exits the room hand in hand.

(Kacey's Pov)

"Yeah no shit, you haven't had food all day. Since you've been hiding away with Kaden, what we're yous even doing for all that time."Leo asked me.

"We played games, well I tried but failed tremendously. I don't Know how to play video games well, I'm more of a mobile phone game person, Anyways how was your day?"I rambled.

We entered the kitchen to see a very tired Harvey who's one of Jed, Rye, Andy, Mikey and Brooks, best friends.

"Hold up he didn't go home."I whispered to Leo, who looked just as shocked as I do.

"What do we do."

"What's going-"

Chase peers over us and him passed out cold, his brows crease for a moment before turning back to their original state.

"Shh!"Leo places a finger to his lip as he tries to speak again.

"I'll have to take him up stairs he can't stay here all night."Leo huffs, sounding afflicted.

"He can stay in my bed."Chase smirks, maliciously, you dirty soul.

" it's you Chase, god knows what who'd do,"the bar is really low for Chase, he would literally do anything for pleasure.

"Oh please, I know better than that. Leo I mean come on I'm not going to take advantage of him, besides he's way older than me. I don't do that crap anymore."

Anymore? And what's that supposed to mean, is he doing the nasty with grandmas?! He is one nasty, creepy human being, I tell you.

"Still don't trust you, now Chase if you could put yourself to use and make Kacey some food, I can hear her stomach growling at me from a mile away."

Leo his arm underneath Harvey's Largs and secured one around his back, and walks out of the kitchen with his head lolling around. He looked kinda funny with his mouth hanging open and hair flapping around.

"Kacey...your doing it again."Chase said to me while searching through the fridge.



"Stop what?"

"You know what I'm talking about."

"I really don't, Chase."

"I warned you about this, stop looking so bitter and let me make you some food. I can't promise it'll be great though,"He chuckled at the end.

"I want something... please."


"I don't know, I'm not Gordon Ramsey...hold on a second."I crest my mind. "WHERE IS THE KETCHUP!"

Chase looks at me like I've lost my mind for a moment, he blinks twice like I've got five heads. Hehe, die.

"You're weird," he chuckles

"I know that doofus, don't tell me."I roll my eyes at him.

"What are you cooking for me?"I jump on to a
chair swinging my legs around.

"Nothing, I'm making food for my self." I whine in disappointment.

"But, I'm hungry!"

"Not my problem, you know how to cook, so cook,"I huff.

"Just make her some food dickhead."Jordan says, walking into the kitchen and smacking Chase on the back of his head, causing him to cry in pain.

"I really can't cook though. Let me go cut Ashley's hair, I can eat it maybe, she looks like spaghetti."Chase said.

"Why are you so freakishly weird." I asked him.

"Call it genetics, your weird too."Chase answered my question.

1085 words
(This is a video of my nephew Kian singing, he's 5 years old, do you think he's good at singing?)

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