Chapter 37

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"I'm out I shouted once I got one foot on the road.
"Finally I thought it would take another ten minutes to bring you back to reality."Jordan said
"You do know it can't be safe to say dream all the time like you do. It might cause you a lot of problems even when compared to what ever good it may give."Caylus said he's also my twin we're not triplets we're actually quintuplets.
"I'll deal with those problems when the problems come."I say and start to walk towards the school. My older brothers Aaron, Charlie, Rye, Corey and Capron. Have all don't go to high school any more since they've either Graduated or dropped out. Leo still goes to high school even though he's 19 he got pushed back a year.
(You'll meet all the people I'm mentioning that haven't been in the character introduction yet soon cause I'll be making a new character introduction like I said)
"Callum what class do we have next." I ask him since we share all of the same classes.
I'm not sure if my brother purposely asked for that. Or if the school just did it. Either way I don't mind since Callum knows me the best and is well aware that he should not test my patience like the rest of my brothers do.
"Math."he says
"Great my favourite class."I say while rolling my eyes
"Come on or we'll be late to your favourite class."Callum said and that made Caylus and Brook laugh.
"Let's go then. Come on."I encourage them while adjusting my bag. So we can make a mad dash to class. Don't get me wrong I don't mind being late but the maths teacher gives us detention for the tiniest things.
As Callum, Caylus and I step into class the bell rings. To announce the beginning of the period.
"Made it."Callum screamed and walked towards the three empty desks in the back corner.
"You kids are luck this time hit you should plan to get to class a minute or two before the bell rings."The math teacher said
"We will do that next time."I answer once I'm done with taking out the materials I need for this class.
Math was so long and boring I already understood every thing she was explaining to us today. So I turned her out. The reason I understand this topic is because we have been talking about it for the past week.
And frankly you would have to be dumb to not understand it by now.
(That line was what my sister would usually say but I don't agree.)
500 words

Life With abusive parents, then finding out I had more brothers than I thoughtWhere stories live. Discover now