Chapter 35

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I locked my self in the bathroom and balled my eyes out. someone kept banging on the door but I just ignored it. I can't believe Jed would do something like that. He was kissing one of those girls. There has to be an explanation. I know I'm his sister and not his girlfriend but still I don't want him to have a girlfriend especially someone who was mean to me. He would have pushed her off if he didn't mean it. Right?

Rye yell.

I just have to play it cool I opened the door only to be bombed with about a million questions at one time.
"Kacey what's wrong?"
"Where's jack?"
"Why are you crying?"
Where some of the questions
"Boys just stop I'm fine I..I just I just thought I saw something  and it scared me that's all."
I said trying to sound convincing.
"You sure?" Brook asked me not believing my story.
"Yes."I smiled
Jack came back soon after he tried talking to me but I just ignored him. Brook looked at me and then nodded towards the kitchen he was basically telling me to go to the kitchen.
I sighed and got up and went to the kitchen.
"What up brook."I asked
"I don't believe you."
"About what."
"About why you were crying in the bathroom." I sighed and looked down
"I knew you wouldn't."
"Tell me what's wrong."
"Well when we got to the park we saw some fans and the roadies don't obviously know about me yet so Jed took his arm off of my shoulder. So I let Jed talk to his fans and I just sat and waited for him. Then some a group of the roadies came up to me and said I shouldn't be with Jed that I'm ugly and stuff like that. So I just wanted to get away from them so that's when you and Rye found me sitting on the bench crying. Then when I went out to try and find Jed I saw him kissing one of those girls that were mean to me.
Like they were full on making out or that's just what it looked like. I don't know I guess I just felt hurt."
"I love you Kacey."
"I love you too brookie."I smiled Hugging him.

That night when we were getting ready for bed Jack pulled me a side.
"Why are you ignoring me."
"I don't know."
"Kacey please tell me."
"Why don't you ask that girl from the park!"
I raised my voice
"What do you mean."
"Oh don't act stupid you know what I mean."I yelled going back in the room.
"I am stupid already but what do you mean."he said as I walked away
"Can I sleep with you tonight?"
"Ya sure come here."

Me and Brook cuddled on the couch. I was trying to not fall asleep. I fell asleep though😢

516 words
(The next chapter is going to be a lot different and eventful.)

Life With abusive parents, then finding out I had more brothers than I thoughtWhere stories live. Discover now