Chapter 42

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"Sorry miss I didn't mean to scare you i thought you were asleep and I didn't want to wake you up."The man said I had my head buried in my brothers torso and kept a firm hold on his waist so he wouldn't leave.
"Kacey you have to let go."Carter said when he failed to un wrap my arms.
"I wouldn't leave you."
"Yes now lets go."
"Ok fine."I said and let the man pick me up gently and place me on the gurney. They  strap me on which makes me feel claustrophobic.
I tried deep breaths so they didn't notice after all I just have to make it to the ambulance, right? They steadily roll me down the hall ways after a few minutes I start to hyperventilate because of my claustrophobia the deep breathing did not help at all. The man rolling me down the hall instantly stopped and looked down at me.
"What's wrong."he asks me Carter walking next To us the whole time seems to realise the problem. the instant we stop.
"She has claustrophobia."Carter told the man
"Ok well I can't fully un strap you since you could fall off but I'll loosen the straps. So it's not as bad." He said
"Thank you."
"It's all good now let's get you to the hospital so the doctor can fix that ankle of yours."he said
We finally got to the ambulance and they placed me inside after I got in Carter sat next to me. And held out his hand I looked him in the eye and smiled. He was an amazing twin he knows what I need before I even know but there's one thing he's not better than Callum. The ambulance takes off and speeds down the streets towards the hospital. I hear the sirens go on at times until I feel us stop. And a door slam they take me out of the ambulance and wheel me into the hospital. Where I'm soon brought to a nurse. I hold onto Carter's hand while the paramedic tells the nurse what's wrong with me. A minute later the woman is bringing me into the doctors office.
"Sorry sir you can't go in there."the nurse tells my brother Carter. My grip tightened on my brothers hand as if he were my life line.
"Please."I say to her almost begging her expression doesn't change she had no feelings she just looked at my brother and repeated what she said previously.
"Kacey don't worry I'll be in the waiting room with some of our brothers and Andy I'll see you in a few."he said before kissing my forehead and walking towards the waiting room I'm rolled off in to the office alone.

574 words

Life With abusive parents, then finding out I had more brothers than I thoughtDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora