Chapter 68

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(Kyson's pov)

I quickly whispered to my little brothers to stay exactly where they were and then I quietly crawled away so that the guy didn't see me. Jed saw me and gave me a look that said run away and get help, so I ran back to the table and pulled on Brooks arm.

"Where's Jed."My worries face made him move faster.
"Jude, Kyson and Kacey stay here and do not leave this table and I mean it."Brook said,
He quickly ran off towards the toilet.

(No Ones Pov)

He pulled the guy away and started beating him up, Jed was trembling with fear, he had a little slit on his head and blood trickled down his cheek.

When the guy was unconscious, Brook hugged Jed and let him cry in to his chest.
"Guys it's ok yous can come out now."Brook said.
Harris, Ben, and Ash crawled out of the stalls.

They all went back to the table and decided they would all just go home.
Nobody wanted to walk so Brook had to somehow manage to carry seven people at the same time.

He had Kacey get on his back, Jed to get on his shoulders with Ash on his lap. He then picked up Kyson and Jude but at the same time Jude was Carrying Ben and Kyson was carrying Harris.

People looked at them while they were walking down the street.

(Jed's Pov)

"Shh I've got you, I've got you."Brook rubbed my back till I was a little bit calmer.

(No Ones Pov)

Ash, Corey and Jed all fell asleep on the couch together, Jed's head rested on Corey's shoulder and his head rested on his, while Ashton was sandwiched in between them.

Tommy, Adam, Rye, Logan, Cody, Big Connor, Mikey, Elijah, Cameron and August who is one of Brooks friends. Came in and silently stared at them, Elijah took a few pictures and uploaded them all over social media.
Rye carried Jed up to his own room,
Cody carried Ashton up to his room, and Connor carried Corey up to his room.

(Brook's Pov)

I woke up with a start and took a deep breath.

"Did you enjoy your nap?"I looked up and saw my math teacher glaring at me.

"Yeah it was great, your teaching was like a lullaby, it lulled me right to sleep." I said looking at her straight in the eye.

"How dare you." She said
I felt the eyes of students on me.
"Take a picture it will last longer!" I shouted at the rest of the class, they quickly diverted there eyes somewhere else.

"Brooklyn Braxon please report to the principals office immediately."A voice boomed on the intercom

"Detention after school." The teacher said as I got up.
"No thanks."
"That was an order not a question."she glared even harder at me, I smirked.

"Well thank goodness, since I don't give a fuck about what you say."I left the room leaving the teacher speechless as I made my way to the office

I ignored the sign on the office door that said knock first before entering the room and sitting down in a chair.

"Didn't you see the 'knock first sign' on the door?"the principal asked.
"Yes." I looked around the room boredly

"Anyways Brooklyn Wyatt Braxon your suspended for 2 weeks, I've called your big brother Benny to come pick you up." The principal said in a cold and stern voice.

"Well if I'm suspended my little brother Jed Braxon won't be coming into school until I'm back at school."I answered back, since it wouldn't be safe Jed being here without me or being here.

"No he will not he will still be coming into school, why are you saying that anyways."

"Because this school wouldn't be safe if Jed was angry, I can hardly keep him under control as it is and you know that so think about what would happen if I wasn't here."I replied.

"I'll think about it anyways..."He was cut off by a knock on the door.
"Come in... Oh hello there Mr Braxon."
"Please call me Benny."
"Ok then Benny I called Brook in from class so that he would be here for you coming in."

"Ok thank you I'll take him back home is there anything else you need to talk to me about?"Benny asked, While grabbing the back of my t-shirt and pulling me up from the chair so that I was standing.

"Oh yes I forgot to tell you when I called you that Cal, Tag, Ashton and Leondrie have been suspended as well."
(Yes Ash is 5 years old but in the Braxon family it really doesn't matter what age you are you can get suspended easily)
"What Classes are they in just now and I'll go get them."Benny said, the principal looked at a sheet of paper.
"Ashton is in Math, Tag is in Computing, Cal and Leondrie are both in French."
"Ok Brooklyn you stay here."Benny said while shoving me down onto the chair.

(Benny's Pov)
I went and got Ash first, then I went to Leo Cal's building got them, also I went and got Tag.

(Ash's Pov)

I was sitting in my seat not listening to a word the teacher was saying when suddenly the door opened, I looked up to see who it was and it was Benny.
Wait why is he here I thought.

He came over to my desk and grabbed me by my arm.
"Sir what do you think your doing."My teacher asked him.
"Oh I'm sorry I'm Benny Braxon, Ashton's big brother, I've been told by the principal to come and get him out of class because he has been suspended."Benny said in a cold voice.
"Oh I'm so sorry Sir I didn't recognise you you've changed so much."My teacher replied.
"Yeah it's fine now I need to go and get 4 of my other little brothers since 5 of them have been suspended, sorry for disturbing yous."

"Which ones have been suspended?"
"Well Brook, Cal, Tag, Leo and as you know Ash."
"Oh ok how long is Ashton suspended for?"
"Two weeks."
"Ok bye Ash we'll hopefully see you in a couple of weeks."
Then we went and got my other brothers.

1071 words

Life With abusive parents, then finding out I had more brothers than I thoughtWhere stories live. Discover now