Chapter 55

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When the bell rang everyone rushed towards the door me being last out I tried to search for Felix he was a boy I became friends with. He was in my Maths class.
"Boo!"I screamed at the top of my lungs. Grabbing everyone's attention I had dropped all of my things on the floor and everything in my pencil case had scattered across the floor. Because I was too dumb to zip it up.
I'm this school you could see what was happening on the other floors because there is a balcony on every floor. That allows you to peer up and down. I don't know off that made sense but when I screamed everybody went silent.
Slowly turning around I see Felix stood there sniggering at my freight. This isn't funny I could of had a heart attack.
"That's not funny."I said pushing his shoulder back with the palms of my hands. He stumbles but immediately recovers.
"Yes. Yes it is funny."he continues to giggle as we crouch down to pick everything up.
There were still a few stares from people but they weren't bothering me anymore. I've gotten used to people staring.

I was walking through the canteen with felix after he showed me where my locker was. The office lady didn't show me were my locker was she told me I had to find it my self or something.
"Aren't you getting any lunch?"oh it was lunch time already that was quick.
"Oh I didn't know it was that time already." He rolled his eyes playfully and takes us over towards the counter. Luckily Rye gave me money this morning.
"What are you getting?"Felix asked me the food looked horrible watered down pasta. Stale sandwiches and burnt biscuits. Can't forget the pizza that was covered with flour on the crusts. Ew.
"The food looks horrible"I had not realised I said that in front of the lunch lady. She glared at me with a deadly look in her eyes.
The grossest thing is that the dinner ladies and dinner men always all had sweat built up on there fore head.
"I'm just gonna get a sandwich. you want the same?"Felix asked me. I nod yes and he hands me a crusty sandwich. I can not wait to feel ill.
"Yoohoo. Kacey."A girl I had met called Rain shouted over. I smile at her and then wait with Felix.
I pick apart my sandwich into two little pieces trying to avoid the horrible taste of it. It was ham too I hate ham it's so disgusting. I can't eat any product from a pig. I am eating something that had been rolling in dirt.
(By the way personally I love ham but my sister hates it)
"Are you not going to eat it."Rain asked me. I shake my head no and wrap the sandwich back up again and throw it in to the bin.
I will never eat a ham sandwich in my life it's the worst creation of all time.
"Hey Kace who's this." None other than Cal sits down next to me with his evil smirk on his face.
"What are you doing here."I whisper yelled at him.
I see Rain's face and Felix's face turn pale. Did they enjoy scaring my friends or something.
"Just coming to see my little sister." Cal said.
He looked at Felix in the eye when he said little sister.
I see Felix physically gulp and avoid eye contact with Cal.
"Cal I swear to god I thought we told you to leave her alone."Brody said rushing over
"Oh hey."Jordan said as he plopped down besides me. I was beginning to feel uncomfortable with them sitting there watching me.
"You can leave now."I tell them.
"No I want to know your friends name."he points to Felix. I can see how frightened Felix is right now his leg was bouncing up and down.
"I can't wait to tell Capron and Aaron their gonna be pissed at you." Cal tells me and then walks round the table to my side. He whispers something about him being dead in Felix's ear. I couldn't here properly cause he was speaking so low.
"Get up." Cal said and stands behind me to pull my chair back from the table.
"What? No."I answer back.
As you can tell Cal is really protective over me and also we don't get along that well either.
"I said get up."he said slower and deeper.
"Cal just leave her." Brody tries to reason with him. Thanks but I don't think mr muscles going to listen.
"Get off of me you marshmallow."I command him. He yanks me off of the chair and pulls me by the back of the shirt.
"Get. Off. Of. Me." He takes me over to a table that's as full of sluts and goys who looked really intimidating. Not a surprise that Caleb and Carlos were there.
"Get off of me you fat wasp."I said slapping his chest multiple times.
"Who do we have here." A dark skinned guy who was very handsome asked.
"A girl who is about to kick the shit out of this asshat."I said before kicking Cal in his shin. Cal pushes me back into a seat. I felt out of place with these people. They looked so... how do I put this like they belong to the streets.
"First Kasey Language and second Cal why do you never listen." Jordan and Brody said at the same time. They sounded out of breath.
"I don't take orders from someone who is younger than me."He tells them
"But you'll take orders from Charlie and speaking of Charlie I'm telling him when we get home so he can beat you up until you reach Mars." I respond before the boys do.
"You won't say a word to Charlie or I'll bury you six feet under. He gripped my arm really tight and grabbed my chin with the other so I was looking at his ugly eyes.
"Who is she." A girl with ginger hair spoke surprisingly she didn't look like she had been dragged through fake tan and flushed down the toilet she looked... almost normal.
"I'm the cats mother."I give her a mischievous smile.
"Oh she's here again."a girl comes over to the table smelling like a candle shop. Candle shops always smell bad she smelt like disinfectant spray.
"How many minks did you kill to get those lashes."I have a plan I'm going to piss everyone off at this table to the point where they kick me off of there table and then I can get back to my friends.
"What's a mink."she asks me.
"It's an animal that's used to get lashes." The dark skinned man tells her that I was talking to before.
"Thank you I have finally found someone of my intelligence." That was probably rather cocky of me to say.
"What's your name." The dark skinned guy asked me.
"Kacey."I hold my hand out to shake his I have no idea where all this confidence came from.
"I'm Cassidy."he told me how nice though I'm sure Cassidy's a girls name but who cares.
"What's she doing here Cal."a girl raises her voice at Cal. If She was supposed to be in the year above me that makes her about 13.
*At home Felix and Kacey were working on an art project in her room*
"GET HER DOWN HERE NOW!!"Cal sounding exasperated. And indigent. I tell Felix to stay in my room. I walk down the steps Cal stands there furious and flushed with rage.
"Oh you little bitch." He punched the wall behind me. I slide down the wall and hug my legs into my chest and started crying.
"What's your problem dude."Charlie pulls him away from me.
My wails were getting louder and louder I had forgotten that Felix was upstairs. He could probably hear everything that was going on.
Cody and Caleb were standing in the door way with Logan I had no idea when they got home but they looked irritated. Cody and Caleb push Cal into the living room with Logan following behind them.
"Come here." Charlie said opening his arms up and I run into them.Charlie lifts me up and places me onto the kitchen island. And started asking em if I was okay but then Cal walked in.
"C...can I speak to her for a minute."Cal wake in the kitchen and looks at Charlie. He glares at Cal ad barged his shoulder on his way out making Cal stumble.
"Listen I'm sorry." I turned my head the other way so I didn't have to look at him.
"Sorry doesn't fix everything."
"I know but i wouldn't hurt you when I saw you sitting with that boy i saw red boys are... strange at times and they can hurt you. He could end up like me for all I know and I don't want you getting caught. I'm the fire."He said
"Please say something I can't sleep knowing that you hate me I'm trying to be a better brother but I always fail. I haven't been there your entire life and then you just drop in our of no where and I feel like it's my responsibility to protect you better than everybody else."
"I don't hate you your my brother." I said
*10 minutes later*
"Do you want to stay for dinner."Aaron asked Felix.
"Yes he would." Is answer before Felix gets to.

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Life With abusive parents, then finding out I had more brothers than I thoughtWhere stories live. Discover now