Chapter 42

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The next day....


No one's pov

"Oh Nik!" Caroline moaned as Klaus thrusted into her hard and fast "ugh Caroline!" he grunted wrapping his arms around her waist and lifting her up off the bed so he was holding her in his arms as he thrusted into her. "Harder!" Caroline moaned as he pressed her up against the wall of his hotel room.

Things had been great so far since Caroline and Klaus got together. They flew back to London to continue filming in a professional manner of course. They kept their relationship a secret which was hard because Klaus had trouble keeping his hands off her.

They had not long since finished filming for the movie and the set was in the process of being taken down while Klaus was stayed in London to start editing the film with the help of the special effects team. Caroline decided to stick around until Klaus was finished as she had no plans after filming had finished so she wanted to spend time with Klaus but she did do a brief modelling stint in London for a high quality fashion designer.

"Ah Caroline I'm gonna cum!" Klaus growled tightening his grip on her as he laid her down on the bed. "Oh Klaus!" Caroline moaned as she wrapped her legs around his waist "ugh love!" Klaus grunted as he pounded into her "oh god I'm cumming!" Caroline cried out raking his nails down his back. "Ugh me too love!" Klaus growled as he crashed his lips against hers, kissing her passionately as he twitched inside her before cumming inside her but of course he was wearing a condom.

"Oh Klaus" Caroline moaned breathlessly as she orgasmed and Klaus collapsed on top of her. "Oh love" Klaus panted as he kissed her shoulder before pulling out of her and rolling off her to lie next to her.  "That was great" Caroline panted as she cuddled up to him after he removed the condom and disposed of it. Klaus smiled and kissed her on the forehead as he wrapped one of his arms around her, pulling her close to him.
Meanwhile over in Kol's house

No one's pov

Kol and Davina were fast asleep in bed with Davina cuddled up in Kol's arms and they were both naked from last night with their clothes strown all over the floor of Kol's bedroom.

Kol's eyes opened as he felt Davina stir in his arms. A smile appeared on his face as he looked down at her, admiring her as she slept soundly against his chest, she looked ever so peaceful and beautiful. He gently pressed his lips against her forehead before his phone started ringing which startled Davina awake so he quickly regretted the call.

"Shh go back to sleep my love" Kol murmured as he kissed her forehead causing a smile to break out on her face as her eyes fluttered open. "Good morning" she spoke in a soft sleepy tone as her blue eyes roamed along his face. "Good morning beautiful" he replied before leaning his head down and pressing his lips against hers in a soft kiss.

Kol pulled back and Davina went to sit up but remembered she was naked so she tugged the covers up to her chest causing a big grin to appear on Kol's face. "Ah ah now there's no need to hide from me love especially when I've already seen every inch of you" he said before gently peeling the covers back and peeking under them to look at her body, only to look back up "ohhh" he said as he wiggled his eyebrows making Davina giggle as she gently pushed him away by his head making him laugh.

Kol smiled softly before cupping her face in his hands and pressing his lips against hers in a passionate kiss which was soon interrupted by Kol's phone which started to ping repeatedly indicating he was getting a lot of messages.

Kol groaned as he reluctantly broke the kiss and grabbed his phone from the nightstand. He swiped left on his phone to unlock it and went straight to his massages before he sat up alarmed as Josh had sent him a link to an article. An article which had of a picture of him and Davina at the club last night and the article was saying he had hooked up with her and was accusing him of being a manwhore for just being seen kissing a girl and leaving the club with her.

"Davina we have a problem" Kol said making her frown as she sat up "what is it?" She asked concerned "apparently there was a pap sneaking around the club last night and they took pictures of us kissing and leaving the club together" Kol explained "so our relationship is out?" She asked "yes but the media are making it out like we were just hooking up and that I'm a manwhore" he explained as he handed her the phone and she frowned as she read the article. "Well obviously that isn't true and we're going clear this up right away" Davina said gently grabbing Kol's hand.

"Are you sure you're ready too?" Kol asked unsure "yes I am and I'm not going to keep quiet when you're being accused of something you're not" she replied giving him a kiss on the cheek before going to get out of bed but Kol quickly pulled her back.

"Wait hold on now, there's no rush. We can spare clearing things up for another few minutes while we prepare ourselves" Kol said with a cheeky grin making Davina giggle as he disappeared under the covers and kissed all the way down her body before spreading her legs and beginning to eat her out.
1 hour later...

Kol and Davina were now dressed and setting up his laptop to make a live stream video to clear up the rumors and come clean about their relationship. They hooked the laptop up so the video would go live on both of their social media accounts.

Kol had his hair swept up with a little quiff at the front which Davina found very sexy and he was wearing a simple light grey muscle t-shirt and black jeans while Davina had her hair pulled to one side and styled into a fish braid plat and she was wearing a white long sleeved crop top jumper and light wash skinny jeans.

"Okay you ready?" Davina asked turning to Kol as they sat on the couch "I am, let's do this" Kol replied placing a hand on top of hers making her smile. "Okay" Davina said taking a deep breath before pressing play on the laptop and they suddenly went live.

"Hi everyone I'm Davina Claire" Davina started before turning to Kol and grabbing his hand which he quickly laced their fingers together. "And I am Kol Mikaelson" Kol added with a small smile as he gently squeezed Davina's hand "so you may have recently heard news about us from last night about how we had a one night stand and all and we just want to set the record straight" Davina spoke in a soft calm tone.

"Me and Davina did not have a one night stand last night because we are dating" Kol explained flashing Davina a smile. "Yes it's true me and Kol are dating. We've been dating nearly two months now and we wanted to keep things quiet until we felt ready to tell people and now obviously because of the news that is going round labelling Kol a manwhore we cannot keep quiet any longer" Davina explained there was a hint of anger in her face when she mentioned Kol being labelled a manwhore. She would not allow her boyfriend to be accused or belittled like that by the media.

"I can assure you all that I'm not manwhore. I care about Davina and I completely adore her so I would never hurt her" Kol promised making butterflies flutter in Davina's stomach and her cheeks turned pink. "Yes Kol is definitely not a manwhore. He is a complete gentlemen towards me and those who are trying to paint him as one should be ashamed of themselves" Davina said with a small frown before it was quickly replaced with a smile as Kol wrapped his arms around her waist and gently tugged her closer to him making her giggle.

"So that is all from us and we sincerely hope you accept our relationship and respect our wishes for privacy in this time but we are happy to answer any questions you may have" Kol spoke gazing into the camera.

"Until next time goodbye" Davina said with a wave before Kol ended the live stream and sighed in relief that it was over. "Thank god that's over. I've never felt so nervous in all my life" Kol said leaning back against the couch as Davina closed the laptop before cuddling up against Kol. "Seriously?" she asked "yes I'm being serious" he replied as he tightened his arm around her "what about your baseball games? Don't you feel nervous?" Davina asked knowing he did since he had told her "well yes but that's a completely different type of nervous. Anyway let's not dwell on that, I need a bloody kiss after that" Kol replied Davina giggle as she pressed her lips against his and he slowly pushed her back so she was lying on the couch and he gently laid on top of her as they began to make out.

End of chapter

So there was a little bit of Klaroline so you know what's going on with them. Kol is so cheeky. Kol and Davina's relationship is out. What will happen next?

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