Chapter 32

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Here's a new chapter, sorry it's been a while but I hope you like it.

Three days later....

In London.....

Caroline's pov

I had just finished filming on set and made my way home eager to have a nice bubble bath and a glass of wine as I'm tired and not in the best of moods today as I caught Klaus flirting with one of the extras and I got a little mad which I had no right to be since we aren't dating but just seeing him smiling and flashing that girl his charming smile made my blood boil and I got jealous so I ended up punching the girl and I pushed Klaus away when he tried to calm me down. I stormed off and said I was just having an off day as an excuse to not get in any trouble for punching that girl who I did apologise too but she didn't accept my apology and threatened to report me to the police until Klaus cut in and bribed her to keep quiet with money and a promise to take her on a date which she happily accepted. 

I haven't spoken with Klaus since, he tried to talk to me as I left the set but I refused to speak to him. I can't speak to him right now and I just can't face him either, I'm too embarrassed and I just don't think I can handle him being mad at me. 

I really like Klaus and it's not just because we have great sex but because he's charming, passionate and smart even though he is a little arrogant and cocky at times. I just don't think sleeping with him is gonna help me so I need to find the courage to end our little agreement but not now. I must wait until we've finished filming to avoid things getting any more awkward and possibly hostile on set which won't be long as there's only three more weeks to go before filming is officially wraps. 

Yeah filming has gone rather quickly than expected which I'm relieved about because then I can go home and avoid Klaus for good. I don't want too but I can't be around him if I have feelings for him, I have to get over him.



I arrive at the hotel where I'm staying and head up to my hotel room where my sister Malory is after she flew out the other day to see me. She hasn't met Klaus yet despite her attempts to see him but I don't want her meeting him which sounds harsh but my sister has a big mouth and would likely spill my feelings for Klaus to him without meaning too. My sister is a big romantic and she loves trying to fix people up and sometimes it works, she's great at getting people together but sometimes it doesn't work too well. 

I reach my hotel room and unlock the door to see my sister watching a horror movie in the dark so when I walk in and turn on the light she screams and jumps causing her bowl of popcorn to go flying. "Holy crap! You scared me!" she exclaims as she turns the movie off "sorry I didn't know you were watching a horror movie" I respond as I shut the door behind me. 

"Well knock next time" she retorts "that would've probably made you jump too" I respond as I take off my coat. "What's up? You don't sound happy" she says "don't mention it. I've just had a bad day" I respond "does Klaus have something to do with it?" she asks "I may have punched a girl he was flirting with" I respond "why'd you punch her?" she asks "because I got jealous and now I'm freaking out. I'm an idiot" I explain as I sit down next to her.

"You're not an idiot. We all do stupid things when we like someone" she replies "I can't face him Mal" I respond "you will at some point" she replies "yeah but not today" I respond before my phone suddenly starts ringing. I pull it out of my pocket and groan when I see it's Klaus calling "it's him" I respond tossing my phone on the bed intending to ignore it.

"You're not gonna beat yourself up over this are you?" she asks "no, I just need to control myself" I respond "why don't you just tell him how you feel?" she suggests making me scoff "because I don't want to make a fool of myself when he tells me he doesn't feel the same" I respond "how'd you know he doesn't feel the same?" she asks "because he told me he doesn't do relationships. All he wants is sex and no commitment" I respond as my phone finally stops ringing. 

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