Chapter 35

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Here's another chapter, I hope you like it.

Katherine's pov

Me and Davina were at the Zeus spa salon at the local shopping mall getting a massage and a mud mask. We had an audition for a movie this morning, it was for the same movie but we auditioned for different roles and we decided to go shopping and go to the spa after we were finished with our auditions.

"Kat do you think we got the roles?" Davina asks "oh yeah totally. The assistant casting director told me we were the best they had seen so far. Plus we're awesome so it's their loss if they don't choose us to star in the movie" I respond before snapping my fingers alerting the attention of a waiter. We're at one of those really posh and expensive spa salon's where you get waited on during long pamper sessions.

"Yes Miss Pierce?" the waiter asks "could you get an ice tea for me and my friend here?" I ask "of course, would either of you like anything else?" he asks "could you change the music, I'd prefer something a little more relaxing" I say as a lady gaga sound comes on and don't get me wrong, I love lady gaga but I'm in a calm mood so I want something more slow and relaxing, not something that's going to get me in a partying mood. 

"Of course Miss Pierce" the waiter answers "thank you, that will be all" I respond waving him away, sighing as the masseuse works harder at my muscles. 


The waiter comes back two minutes later with two ice teas "here you go ladies" he says placing the ice teas on the table by the massage table. The masseuses move away allowing me and Davina to sit up "thank you. Here's a tip" Davina says handing him $50 "oh I can't possibly accept this Miss Claire, it's way too much" the waiter says "it's okay, I insist you take it" Davina replies waving him off. "Thank you" he replies flashing her a smile before wandering off to tend to another client.

I take a sip of my ice tea just as Davina's phone rings "hmm is that lover boy calling?" I tease making her laugh "no he's at baseball practice" she replies "doesn't mean he hasn't snook away to make a sneaky call" I retort making her roll her eyes "oh shush" she says sticking her tongue out at me making me laugh.

Davina grabs her phone from the little table beside her "it's Caroline" she says before accepting the call. "Hey Care, what's up?" she asks but a frown quickly appears on her face. "Care slow down. I'm not getting what you're saying" she says sitting up right with concern etched on her face which gains my attention. "D what's going on? Put her on speaker" I say wanting to know what's going on.

"Wait, hang on. Kat's here with me, do you want me to put you on loud speaker?" Davina asks she nods and gestures the masseuses to leave so we can talk in private. The masseuses quickly leave and shut the door on their way out.

"Okay Caroline you're now on loud speaker" Davina says "hey Caroline" I say "h-hey Kat" she sniffles making me frown. "Caroline what's wrong?" I ask "me and Klaus had an argument" she sniffles "oh dear, what about?" I ask "he confronted me about why I had been avoiding him and obviously I didn't tell him the reason why so I lied and pretended everything was normal but mentioned I didn't want to be his plaything anymore because I know he's screwing with one of the extras and I can't keep up with our agreement you know because of my feelings for him" Caroline rambles sniffling on occasion. "Care calm down and take your time" Davina says we hear Caroline exhale on the other end.

"So what happened after you said all that?" I ask "well I warned him that this extra he's screwing with is only sleeping with him because she wants more screen time and she wants to steal my spot which obvious to anyone but him and he said I was controlling and bossy and that I always have to have things go my way" she explains "that swine! How dare he, I'm gonna come down there and punch his lights out!" I growl clenching my fists "no, Kat violence won't solve anything" Davina warns me making me exhale. "She's right Kat besides that'll just get you in trouble with Elijah and I don't want to be a problem in your relationship" Caroline responds "hun you are not a problem, nor will you ever be. Klaus is the problem, he's a dick" I retort making her giggle slightly. 

"Anyway what happened after he said that?" Davina asks getting back to the matter at hand "well I told him if he really thought I was all those things then he doesn't know me at all and then I said I don't think I want to star in his movie anymore and I quit" Caroline explains making my eyes widen. 

"You seriously quit?" I ask "yeah, I did" she replies "but you were two weeks away from completing the movie" Davina says "yeah, I know but I just can't be around him anymore. It's too much, I let my feelings get in the way and now everything is a mess" Caroline responds "oh hun, I feel your pain" I say before taking a sip of my ice tea. "So do you know what's going to happen with the movie now you've quit?" Davina asks "well Klaus said he can easily replace me" Caroline responds making me snort "ha I'd like to see him try. He's not going to get anyone better than you" I retort "yeah, he's an idiot and I'm sure he'll realize that sooner or later" Davina responds "yeah, well I don't care. I've had enough and I just want to forget about it" Caroline says "I'm sorry Care. I really wish there was something we could do" Davina replies  "it's okay. I'm flying back home tonight so I'll see you girls soon" Caroline responds "we can meet up and have a slumber party at my house. We'll cheer you up girl" I say "that sounds great. I could really do with some girl time" she replies "awesome, well we'll pick you up when you land" Davina says "sounds great. I'll text you my flight times" Caroline says "okay" I respond "alright, well I've gotta finish packing and call my mom so I'll see you when I land" she says "okay, bye Caroline" Davina replies before Caroline hangs up and she places her phone back on the table.

"Just wait until I see Klaus. I'm going to punch him" I say exhaling as I lie back "I know he hurt Caroline and he will soon come to regret what happened but don't go throwing punches around. Caroline won't want you getting in trouble nor do I and I know your parents won't appreciate it if you get in trouble for hitting someone again" Davina says referring to one time when I hit a fellow model I worked with but the bitch totally deserved it, she was all up my butt and trying to get me fired "hey, that wasn't my fault. That bitch had it coming, she wanted to act like she was  some hot shit and better than everyone else and decided it was okay to piss me off" I retort "I know but you know you can't afford to get into trouble for the same thing again" she warns making me sigh "I know. I won't punch Klaus, I'll just put a picture of him on my punching bag and pretend I'm punching him" I respond "that's the spirit" she says gently nudging my arm. "Yeah, yeah, let's just get back to this massage. I'm all tensed up and angry" I respond she smiles and presses the button which sends an alert signal to the workers here that we're ready to continue.

End of chapter

What did you think? Katherine and Davina were having girl time. Caroline's coming home. The girls are going to have a slumber party to cheer up Caroline. Katherine needs to watch her anger. What will happen next? Stay tuned for more

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