Chapter 6

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Here's chapter 6, I hope you like it.

Eight days later.....

Rebekah's pov

I had just finished getting Katie ready to go to the beauty and the beast premiere. Katie was super excited about going to the premiere and being able to see the movie a day before it hits theaters. I had dressed Katie in a cute yellow dress with gold shoes which had a Minnie mouse head shape in gold on the front. She was also wearing a tiara which she insisted on wearing.

(Katie's outfit)

"I look pretty" Katie beams as she twirls in front of the mirror making me laugh softly

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"I look pretty" Katie beams as she twirls in front of the mirror making me laugh softly. "Why of course you do. You're a princess and a princess is always pretty" I respond she smiles "where's mommy?" she asks looking around for her mother since Freya was here as the three of us were going to the premiere together from here since my apartment just so happens to be closer to the venue even though it's a good half an hour drive. "She's in the bathroom" I respond she runs to the bathroom and knocks on the door. "Mommy, come on out. It's time to go" she says making me giggle "just a second baby girl" Freya replies and not even a second or two later, the door opens and she steps out with a guilty expression on her face. I instantly sigh knowing she won't be coming to the premiere with us. "What happened?" I ask "I got a call from one of my employees. A client brought in a turtle and it's injured but none of my employees know how to treat a reptile. I have to go to the clinic" she explains Katie frowns understanding what this meant "right now mommy?" she asks "I'm sorry baby girl but I can't go to the premiere with you and aunt Rebekah. I have to go to work but I promise I will make it up to you" Freya replies kneeling down in front of her. "I want you to come mommy" Katie replies doing her little pouty face "I know baby girl. I really want to come too but there's a very poorly turtle that needs my help right now" Freya responds stroking her hair "okay mommy" she replies "well if your mommy's not going. That means we can bring one of your uncles with us" I speak up Katie instantly smiles. "I nominate uncle Kol" she responds making me laugh "alright, I'll give him a call" I respond pulling my phone out and dialing Kol's number. 

He answers after the second beep "hello" he says "hello Kol. I don't have time to discuss. Just stop whatever you're doing and get yourself ready. I'm picking you up" I respond "wait, hold up. Why are you picking me up?" he asks "you're coming to the beauty and the beast premiere with us as Freya has been called into work" I explain he instantly groans. "Why do I have to go?" he asks "because Katie chose you to take Freya's ticket plus Davina's going to be there and I hear she's going to be looking astonishing tonight and I know how much you've secretly been wanting to see her again" I respond he sighs "fine, I'll wait for you outside" he replies making me smirk as I knew he couldn't possibly say no to our niece or the chance to see Davina again. Kol's been oddly different since he met Davina and hooked up with her. The day we got home after the party, he started asking me about what movies she's been in and when I told him a few. He went and rented them to watch. He also started following her on Instagram and she actually started following him back. I think Kol may have a crush on her which I think is cute and I totally ship them together as Davina would be the perfect girl for him, she's beautiful, talented, kind, funny, loyal and she's very honest and down to earth and I reckon he would be good for her. I know Davina's found it hard letting herself get close to guys because of the potential loss of her father and the death of Kaleb. So to know she not only spent a good few hours talking with Kol and slept with him, is big news for her. She must've sensed or felt something good about my brother if she slept with him. Also the fact Kol had been very grumpy since his break up with Mary-Alice. He was unbearable to be around half the time and he didn't seem interested in interacting or even sleeping with other girls because he claimed he wanted time for himself and to focus on his career but that went down the drain as he slept with Davina. He must've really liked her company and her in general if he slept with her.

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