Chapter 5

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Here's chapter 5. I feel the story is going well so far but please let me know. I love receiving comments and votes from you guys so I know you're liking the story or if there's something you want to see happen in the story. Anyway enjoy

Warning contains some sexual content

The next day.....

Kol's pov

I wake up, unaware of my surroundings for a moment but something nudges against my foot making me sit up and I see Davina sleeping on the other side of the couch with a blanket wrapped around her body, one of her legs is close to mine though. Memories from last night come flooding back and a grin appears on my face. I scan my eyes up and down Davina's sleeping form, I can see she's still naked as I have a very nice view of her lovely, legs and her arms and shoulders. The blanket is wrapped around her body in a way a woman would wrap a towel around their body after they've had a shower or a bath. Her body is absolute perfection, small and petite with curves in all the right places. The fact she's quite short makes it even better and I happen to like short girls, I think they're cute. Short brunette girls have always been my favourite despite what my siblings and team mates think as they think my type of girl is a typical busty blonde like Mary-Alice but that's not true and her breasts were fake, a major turn off for me. Davina is all natural, no fakeness to her, she's had no work done not that she needs it because she's a very beautiful girl. She also just so happens to be amazing at sex, fuck last night was the best sex I've ever had.

I shift my gaze from Davina, knowing I probably look creepy just sitting there and staring at her as she sleeps. I grab my jeans from the floor and put them on. I won't leave just yet as I don't want to be rude and leave without saying goodbye, usually I would but Davina's a celebrity and she's a friend of Rebekah's plus I had a good time with her last night so I don't want to make a bad impression. 

I glance at my watch and see it's 7 in the morning, wow I actually stayed until morning. I wonder if anyone else is still here, are my brothers and Rebekah still here or did they leave? I look back at Davina when I hear her stir and she rubs her eyes before sitting up, holding a hand to her chest, griping onto the blanket to keep it from unraveling. She blinks a few times before looking at me "hi" she says "hi, good morning" I respond she frowns "is it really morning already? I feel like I only just fell asleep" she replies making me chuckle. "It's 7 am" I respond she nods "you stayed, why?" she asks "I didn't want to be rude" I respond "it's nice that you stayed. Not a lot of men do after a hook up" she replies as she swings her legs off the couch and sits back against the couch. "Are you feeling okay?" I ask "my head's spinning a little but I'm okay" she replies "do you need aspirin?" I ask she shakes her head "no, what I need is a shower" she replies standing up, holding the blanket tightly so it doesn't fall off.  "Care if I join you?" I ask with a smirk "after some more are we? Didn't you get enough last night?" she retorts "well I just think it would be better for the environment if we take a shower together to save water" I respond she giggles and shakes her head "you don't have to lie to get what you want. Be honest and ask nicely, who knows. Maybe it'll work" she responds biting her lip before slowly unraveling the blanket, revealing her whole body as she drops the blanket on the floor. My mouth waters, my tongue suddenly feels dry and my cock twitches in my pants as I stare at her. She tilts her head and smirks as she stands directly in front of me. "You like what you see?" she teases "yes" I respond licking my lips as I scan my eyes up and down her body. She giggles and leans forward, bending down so her face was level with mine. She grips my chin with her fingers and makes me look at her. Our eyes lock "you're lucky I think you're cute and hot" she whispers her warm breath tickles against my lips "follow me upstairs and I'm sure we can fit a little something in before you leave" she adds giving me a light kiss on the lips before standing up, retrieving the blanket from the floor and wrapping it back around her body. I instantly stand up, grabbing my shoes from the floor as she picks up her dress and high heels before leaving the basement.

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