"And they had this huge argument, about me! Dan was on the floor crying, and Harry was leaning over him shouting and-,"

"Harry? You know this mans name?" Angel butts in, his jaw dropped wide open.

"Let me finish!" I tease, hitting him playfully on the arm. "So, Harry was shouting, and then Dan practically ran away. I collapsed like a sack of potatoes, balling my eyes out. I was so humiliated and heartbroken that this stranger had to stand up for me against my own boyfriend! And he ran over and took me into his arms and just sat with me while I cried my eyes out to him." I pause for a moment, remembering how warm Harry felt that night, how safe I felt while he hugged me.

"Primmy, I'm so sorry that happened to you. Girl if I see Dan, imma drag his weave so far through the mud!" Angel shouts, standing up straight and looking intently around the bar. Yeah, like Dan's gonna be sat in the bar I live at, and work in.

"It's fine, you don't have to. Because after that, Harry took me into the bar, we got some drinks, a lot of drinks, we did karaoke, we danced, he took a photo of me on his camera, I even went to kiss him."

"You what? Girl you never flirt."

"I know! but I didn't actually kiss him. It would've been wrong." I tell Angel, as I watch him get two glasses and fill them both with Vodka Coke. He knows I won't tell him off for drinking at work, because I know that he would never get drunk at work.

"Yeah so I went to kiss him, faked out, downed 3 shots, spilt my drink on him, he took off his shirt and revealed his abs, I went to kiss him again, then... I hit my head and fell unconscious." I say flatly, while pulling the straw to my mouth.

"You WHAT?" Angel shouts, the whole restaurant falling silent momentarily to look at the sudden outburst.

"Shut up - I'm embarrassed as it is!" I angrily whisper back, while Angel stares at me with his jaw wide open. "I woke up in his bed." I mumble out, knowing what Angel's reaction would be.

Angel walked round and out of the bar, grabbed me by the hand and pulled me into the kitchen. I didn't mind that Angel was so physical with me: I knew he would never hurt me. He never put exorbitant amounts of pressure on me, or forced me to go places. That's just what our friendships like.

The door swings open as Angel and I walk into the kitchen. I smile at all my staff as I make my way to the table at the back. Angel pulls up a seat, and gestures for me to sit down.

"You slept with him?" Angel whispers, as he stands over me.

"No!" I whisper shout back, shocked he would think I would do such a thing to Dan. "I woke up in his bed, and had no idea where I was. As I got up to leave, I saw Harry asleep on his sofa. So, I walked over and kissed him on the forehand. Think of it as a 'Thankyou for last night' kiss. While at the door, I saw a notebook on his desk, so I wrote my address down and told him to write to me." I explained quietly, not wanting to vocalise my humiliation.

"You gave him this address?" Angel questions.

"Yes. Well... yes until I tore the note from his pad and threw it in their bin." I laughed awkwardly.

"Their? As in plural? Who else was there?" Angel questions again.

"His friend was there. While I was looking for the exit, I bumped into him. He explained how Harry bought me home when I hit my head. Then I left and took a taxi to the airport." I finished, standing up to leave as I spoke. I began making my way back to the bar, and Angel followed eagerly behind. "I assume this is his t-shirt I'm wearing. It's much too big for me though. Smells like him however." I laughed again, while pulling the top to my nose.

From The Dining Table [H.S]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ