Part 38 Finally

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Kate's POV

I was reading my book.... When all of a sudden I heard a noise.... It was like a big wind, in the air vents. I looked up from my book and next thing I knew, the lights turned on.

"YASSSSS!" Ricky said, walking into the room.

"OMFG YES!" Andrea and Lia said in usion.

"FINALLY!" Connor said.

"Hallelujah!" I screamed.

Andrea and Lia immediatly went to chage their phones. I laughed. "That's what our generation has become." I said. Connor and I laughed.

Connor and I sat on the bed and we turned on the v, and Connor decided to watch the news so he turned the channel to the news channel. Lia skyped JC, Andrea scrolled through twitter, Ricky went on his snapchat, and I suggled up in Connor's arm.

Connor gave me a slight hug and continued watching the news. I looked up and watched the tv.

I saw one of those news casters, the ones that stand in the middle of a storm like crazy ass people, standing in the middle of this crazy storm. "So as you can see, this storm is going at a crazy speed." the lady said.

"No dip." I said, and Connor chuckled slightly.

I felt my eyes get heavy, and a yawned. I nuzzled my head into the side of Connor, and I slowly fell asleep.

Connor's POV

Once Kate fell asleep, I shut the tv off. I twirled Kate's hair with my finger, and grabbed my phone with my open hand. I went onto twitter and scrolled through my feed.

I didn't know what video to film for this week, so I posted a tweet, and asked my fans what they would like to see. Once it was tweeted, I immediately got spammed with reqeuest, mostly about some kind of skit, or a Q&A. But then I read one that stood out from the rest.

KannorForLife: Do a vlog of your trip of what your doing in Massachusetts, I heard there was a big storm, if everything okay?

I replied telling her thank you for the idea and told the fans that everything and everyone is safe and okay.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, it was just meant to be a filler chapter.

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