Part 20 Airport

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Kate's POV

We kept talking and talking until it was about 12:30pm.

"I need to go change." I said.

Connor let go of my hand amd I went upstiars to change.

I looked through my closet until I found the right outifit.

I knew it was going to be cold so I put on Connor's 'Frantastic Monday' sweater and some black yoga pants.

I put my hair in a messy bun at the top of my head and went downstairs.

I saw Connor waiting for me at the bottom of the staircase.

"Ready?" Connor asked me.

"Yep," I said.

"Andrea and Lia are in the car waiting."

"ok." I said and picked up my carry-on.

"here I'll help you with the rest of your bags." Connor said and brought my other bag to the car.

I rolled my carry on over to the car and put it in the trunk.

I got into the passenger seat of the car, next to Connor, in front of Lia and Andrea. "Ready girls?" Connor asked.

"Ready as ever!" Lia said.

"Let's go get that wedding dress!!!" Andrea said.

"Ready." I said, smiling wide.

"Ok let's go." Connor said reight before he gave me a kiss. I smiled.

Connor turned on the ignition and drove us to the airport.

*at the airport*

Connor parked the car and we all got out of the car.

I got my carry on and my luggage out of the trunk of the car. I looked up to see Connor rolling over on a luggage carrier.

Andrea, Lia and I all laughed.

Connor put on the brakes once he got to us and helped put all of our bags onto the luggage carrier.

We all walked over into the airport and signed in and got our tickets.

We walked over to the entrace of the security.

Connor held both of my hands and said, "This is where I leave you." he said.

"Are you sure you can't come and just just at the hotel when we get the dress?" I asked.

"But all the tickets are sold out and I have to keep an eye out for the boys."

"But I'll miss youuuuuuuu!"

Andrea and Lia awe'd

"It's only for a couple days."

"But I'll miss your voice, your smile, your-" I said, before I got cut off by Connor giving me a kiss.

I took a deep breath.

"Call me when you land and we can talk then, and then at the airport, you can skype me if you want okay?" He said in a calm voice.


I gave him one last kiss.

Then Andrea, Lia and I went through all the security and all that and we sat at a seat at our terminal.

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