Part 28 Dresses

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Connor's POV

I was scrolling through my social medias and I decided to film a video.

I took out my camera and set it on my tripod, in front of my chair. I set up my lights, behind the tripod and camera and facing me. Before I could even turn the lights on, someone knocked on my door. I walked to my door and opened it.

"Oh hello Trevor." I said.

"Hey.... " He said.

"What's up?" I said, sitting on my chair that I set up for my video.

"The boys and I found out what Kian is actually doing." Trevor said.

Kate's POV

I've been trying on dresses for about an hour. I decided to try on all of the recomended dresses first. Now, I was done with the recommended ones and I was putting on dresss #7 which was, the dress that Connor wouldv'e liked, the fitted, jeweled dress.

I slipped it on, and Julia helped me, zip it up.

I looked at myself in the mirror. "I love this dress, just not how much my baby belly shows" I said.

"Let's show your friends, and see what they say." Julia said.

"Okay." I said.

I lifted up the front of my dress, and walked out of the room. I walked up to the room, where the girls were and then I steped up on the little stage like area, and looked at mysel fin the big mirror, Julia put the train of the dress, which was small, behind me. "What do you think?" I asked Andrea and Lia.

"I love it!" Andrea said. "But your baby belly is showing a lot."

"I agree with Andrea.... but I love the beading, it's very pretty and I know Connor will love it, belly showing or not." Lia said.

I smiled at both of their reply. "I'll put this on the maybe rack." I said.

"Okay," Lia and Andrea said.

Julia and I walked back into the changing room.

I took off the dress, and Julia put it on, one of the two racks which was we made it the maybe rack, for the possible dresses, which only had 1 dress, which was the one I just put on.

I put on my second dress, which was the ballgown-like dress, with lots of tulle. I slipped it on, and looked at myself in the mirror. I loved this dress, the back, the front, and the tulle.

I picked up the front of my dress and walked out of the room. I walked into the room where the girls were waiting, and I once again stood on the stage area and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Oooooo I love the back, it's very showy, just what Connor would like." Lia said.

i gigled.

"I love everything about this dress, I loved the tulle, the backing, everything." Andrea said.

"And I love how it doesn't show my baby belly..." I said. Andrea and Lia laughed.

I walked back into my room and put that dress on the maybe rack.

Julia took out my third dress, which was a a trumpet stlye, laced, half-sleeved dresss. I sliped into it and Julia helped be zip it up.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I smiled and walked out of the room and into the room where the girls were waiting for me. I stood onto the little stage area once again, and Julia helped put the long train, of the dress behind me.

"Opinions?" I asked the girls.

"It's very conservative, compared to the other dresses, and I love the dress." Andrea said.

"I agree with all of that, and I just wanted to add that your baby belly is showing." Lia said. "But not as much as your first dress."

"Do you know which dress you would like?" Julia asked me.

"No... I don't but these three are definatly the top three.... But I don't which one I like the best." I said.

"How about we keep these dresses under your name on the computer, and I'll give you time to decide, and you can call me whenever you decide on a dress.... Is that okay?" Julia asked.

"That's wonderful, thank you." I said, smiling wide.

I walked back to the room and slipped out of the dress, and changed into my clothes. I thanked everyone who helped me at the dress boutique. Then, Andrea, Lia and I all walked out of the boutique and to the hotel.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed the longer chapter, which dress would you like Kate to pick? 1, 2, or 3?

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