Part 15 Paying, Then To Home

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Kat's POV

Connor and I walked out of the room and over to the cash register, where Luke was standing behind.

Connor took out his credit card.

"Your total comes out to be..... $350." Luke said.

"Only?" I asked.

"Well your real total would be.... $700, but you get a 50% discount."

"Thank you Luke." Connor said.

"No problem." Luke said.

Connor paid for us and we thanked Luke once again.

"We will send the cakes over the day of the wedding." Luke informed us.

"Thanks. We'll stay in contact." Connor said.

"Thank you again." I said.

Luke smiled and said "no problem."

Connor and I smiled and we walked out of the bakery.

We stepped into the car and Connor started to drive home.

"I'm really excited for the wedding." I said, smiling wide.

"I am too." Connor said stopping at a traffic light.

He looked over at me. He held my hand, our fingers intwining.

He smiled wide.

"Pay attention to the road lover boy." I teased.

"Don't tease me." He said.

I giggled.

He gave me a peck on the lips.

"I love you." He said sweetly.

"I love you too." I said.

The traffic light turned green and Connor started driving again.

Love robbery by Kalin and Myles came on.

"I got my heart stolen from a robber with some high heels on!" Connor sang along.

I laughed.

He pulled up onto our driveway. He turned the key and the car engine shut off.

"Your the robber that stole my heart." He said, looking at my lips. Then to my eyes.

I smiled.

"Shouldn't I be in jail then?" I said.

Connor laughed.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Let's go inside.... I need to use the little girl's room" I said.

"Ok babe." He said.

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