Part 53 Love

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Connor's POV

I stood at the top of the isle and I looked around the venue, it was a beautiful outside venue. There was over 200 white seats, seated with guests. The grass isle was accented with beautiful and romantic white rose petals. On the side of each isle seat there was a bouquet of flowers. There was wood framing the area out, each base plank standing on big stone "tablets." The top of the isle, where I was standing, was accented with stone on the edges and was two steps high, so everyone in the crowd could see the people standing on it.

I stood there, smiling like a fool, thinking about the wonderful future I'll have with the love of my life. The music started and the flowergirl, and the ringbearer walked down the isle, everyone awed as they came out. I chuckled and helped them up the steps, and they stood beside the priest.

Next were all the bridesmaids and groomsmen. I smiled wide, knowing that Kate was coming next. The groomsmen stood behind me, one behind another. And the bridesmaid's stood on the other side of the stage, in the samw order that they came out in.

Then, the announcer said, "Please stand for the bride." I stood up tall and put my hands in front of me, holding the other hand. Then, everyone stood. Then, I saw her.... The love of my life, one of her arm interlocked with her father's, one arm interlocked with her mother's.

The dress fit her perfectly. It framed every curve in her body, yet it covered her baby bump. She looked up from the ground and her eyes met mine. Even though she was so far away, I could see the sparkle in her eye. I smiled wide, causing her to smile wider. Her parents and her stopped before stepping onto the stage."I, Jake Valentine and my wife, Caroline Valentine, hand over our oly daughter, Katherine Valentine to Connor Franta." Her father said.

I smiled wide, as she let of of her parents arms and came up the stage. I held my hand out and she took it and I helped her up the steps, onto the stage. "Everyone sit down." the priest said, and everyone obeyed. I held Kate's hands and we interlocked our fingers. The priest sayed some junk, that I bet no one payed attention to, then he said, "Connor Franta, please announce your vows."

Kate looked deeply into my eyes. "I vow," I started, "that I will love you to the end of time... I vow that I will protect this baby and the others that come... I will make sure you are never sad and I vow that I'll always keep you safe. I love you, and I always will." I finished.

She teared up, and the whole crowed awed. I wiped her tears away with my thumb. "Now, Katherine Valentine, you vows." the priest.

"I vow that you will be my one and only true love." she vowed. "And you will never be left alone, you will never have to be sad, or disapointed. I vow that I'll always be by your side, through ups and downs, and I vow that I'll make every second of your life, happy, and exciting, lived to the fullest. I love you Connor, I love you."

I smiled, tearing up. "Connor Franta, do you take Katherine Valentine to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the priest asked.

"I do." I said, and she put the ring on my finger.

"Katherine Valentine do you take Connor Franta to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the priest asked.

"Yes- I mean, I do." she said, as she giggled softly, as I put the ring on her finger.

"Connor, you may now kiss the bride." the priest said.

"Finally." I sighed, making Kate giggle. I wrapped m arms around her waist, and she wrapped her arms around my neck, and I kissed her passionatly.

"Everyone, am proud to announce Mr and Mrs Franta." the priest said, as Kate and I pulled away, making sure we don't go overboard with the kissing because there were children in the venue.

This ending, was just the beginning of the rest of my life.

A/N: Hey guys, I just wanted to say that this book is over. If you want, I can make a book three, but its up to you guys. Please follow me and read my other books! See you in another book, Bye for now loves.

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