Part 43 Jack and Finn!

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*later that day, in the afternoon*

Kate's POV

Connor and I were watching The Walking Dead, when all of a sudden, there was a knock on the door. I got out of Connor's arm and walked over to the door. I opened it up and saw Jack and Finn Harris.

"OH MY GOD! HI GUYS!" I said, hugging them both.

"Oh my gosh! The baby's growing so much!" FInn says.

"And you look like you haven't grown a second sence we saw you at vidcon two years ago." Jack says.

I blushed slightly and said, "Why thank you."

Connor walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed mmy cheek. "Why hello Finn! Hello Jack." he said, saying Jack's name with a slight tone of attitude. I ignored his attitude and invited the boys inside.

The boys walked in and we al went into the living room. ""What's the gender of the baby, if you don't mind me asking." Jack asked, as we sat down on the big couch.

"Of corse I don't mind, the baby is a wonderful baby girl." I said.

"I bet she's gonna look just as facinating as you." Jack says.

"Aw Jack, you flatter me."

FInn took out his phone and started to scroll through it, and Connor took his and my plate, from breakfast and walked into the living room.

Jack scooted closer to me. "Wanna go outside? Your backyard seems lovely from in here, I wonder what it would look like outside." he said.

"Of corse, let's go." I said and stood up and walked into my backyard, Jack following me.

I sat on the edge of the pool, with my feet dangling inside, Jack sat next to me. "Such beautiful weather today." I said.

"You know what's more beautiful?" he asked.

"Zoe Sugg?"

"Well yes, but it's even better than her."

"Hmmm.... what?

"My view is even more beautiful than anything on earth."

I looked at him to see him staring at me. I blushed. "Why thank you." I said, as I stood up. Jack stood up and held my hands. "Sorry." he said.\

"Huh?" I asked.

Then everything went black.

A/N: So I haven't done an authors note, so Hello. I hope you guys are enjoying the fanfition. Please leave suggestions for upoming events in the fanfiction!

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