Part 16 Talking

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Connor's POV

I walked inside and sat on the couch. Kat walked in and sat next to me.

"So when are you going to get your wedding dress?" I asked.

"I don't know I'm looking online and I found a bunch that I liked... and now I narrowed it down to 3 top favorites." She replied.

"What state are you planning to go to?"

"Umm.... I think Massachusetts, because the dress store with all the dresses are from are in that state."

"Who are you bringing with you?.. Like how many people?"

"Definetly Andrea and Lia and maybe Joey Graceffa because they'll be honest on how it looks on me, and tell me if I look fat in it."

I chuckled, "Is that the only reason?"

"Well and later I can go on a shopping spree with them too." She giggled.

I laughed.

"I think there's a flight tomorrow afternoon... I can go then." she said. "If that's okay with you."

"Yea definitly." I said, smiling wide.

She gave me a quick kiss. She pulled away and smiled.

"I love you so much connor." she said.

"I love you more." I said.

"No way."

"Yea way."

"Prove it to me then."

I put my head, next to her's, with my mouth next to her ear, and whispered, "But then the baby would get hurt."

I moved my head back, to see Kate blushing slightly.

"Whatcha thinking there?" I asked.

"I dont' know... maybe I want you to show me."

"Stop teasing me, you know I really want to."

She giggled.

I kissed her forehead softly and put my arm around her. Kate put her head on my shoulder and yawned. "Tired?" I asked.

"Maybe.... I don't really know.... But I'm craving some Starbucks but I can't because of the baby.. Ughhhh being pregnant is hard."

"But it'll be worth it, I promise." I said, smiled, and kissed her cheek.

"B-but my coffee."

"but the baby... the life that we created together."

"Ew... that sounds weird." She made a grossed out look on her face.

I laughed.

She yawned again.

"Babe, you should take a nap." I told her.

"But I don't wanna." she said.

"please?" I asked.

"But I'm not" she yawned. "tired." she said and her eyes slowly closed.

I kissed the top of her head And with that, Kate fall asleep.

I moved her slightly and gently so she way laying down on the couch, I laid her head down on a pillow and covered her in a blanket. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and put a note that said 'Went out, I'll be back before dinner love you.' I grabbed my keys and left the house.

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