Part 12 Connor And Kate Franta

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Connor's POV

I drove up onto the driveway of the bakery.

Kate and I walked inside, holding hands, fingers interlocking.

We walked up to the cash register and I said, "Hi, I have a cake testing appointment today."

"Are you two Connor and Kate Franta?" the cashier said.

"Yep." I said.

"RIght this way." she brought us into a nice, cozy room, and left, closing the door behind her.

Kate and I sat down on the chairs.

"She said Connor and Kate Franta." she giggled.

I chuckled.

"I like the sound of that." She said.

"I do too." I smiled and kissed her.

"Connor and Kate Franta." she said, and held my hand under the table.

"I love you so much babe." I whispered into her ear.

A slight giggle escaped her lips. "I love you more." she said.

"Impossible." I said.

After a little while, my friend, Luke, who was helping Kate and I with our cake testing, walked into the room.

I held Kate's hand under the table, our fingers intwining.

"Ready for some cake?" he asked.

Kate and I nodded, smiling wide.

"Ready as ever." I said.

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