15 Past Memory Of The War

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His memory started up he was hanging out with his brother their both playing with sticks then bullet noise started they both grab their guns but Canada needed to reload so he stand in one spot America wasn't around so he sat down trying to reload until a shadow appeared in front of him he look up to see

Someone else he kept looking down at him Canada finally got it in and pointed the gun up at the stranger them both pointing the gun at each other until Canada heard his brother calling for him it sounded like he needed some back up he quickly got up and was about to run to him but a shot beside his feet stop him the person speak in a different language Canada put his sniper to his back dig in his pockets he had bread so he throw it to the person

He caught it but when he look back at Canada he was gone Canada was running towards the firing and found his brother he was shot in the shoulder Canada tried to stop the bleeding then let his brother lean on him then they both started walking Canada look for a nice spot to let him sidle lucky Canada was a sniper and a medic he dig in his bag he put bandages on his brother then let his brother rest Canada was on look out just in case if someone comes but their was no point

So Canada sat down looking at pictures of him in a plane and on a boat and some other pictures Canada grab out his camera but their was no more film in it so he couldn't do anything he sighed as he waited for his brother to wake up but he didn't he was still breathing but he's not waking up so Canada put everything in his bag he grab his brother and started trying to lift him but couldn't so he started dragging him he was looking at a paper to remember where was the safe zone

He stop to look at the paper he put the paper back in his pocket thinking that it was far he look at his brother then moved him with his boot he check his heart rate still alive he cleaned his wound then patch it up again then went on with dragging him he look at the sky as it was getting dark he took off his sweater and place it on his brother Canada stretch then went back to fixing his sniper then he heard some whisperers he look at his brother then tried to wake him up no answer

Canada notice his heart stop he went and started CPR on his brother his brother heart started going Canada relax then he heard someone but he chose to ignore it he grab his brother he didn't care if it was dark he wanted his brother to make it so if it's going to take three hours to get there minus will start going Canada started to feel unsafe he knows the enemy side is watching him because the noises he cursed to himself as he knew his brother should of been with his dad instead of with mom

Canada and him accidentally went to far across the border to the enemies side Canada rather die right now then be tortured to death because that's what his mom always told him and that's why his mom didn't want him to go to war but Canada chose to be there he heard his mom needed help so he came as he was thinking he heard the bushes speaking he pulled out his pistol to keep in hold until a flare fly up in the air high and bright Canada grab America and yank him into the bushes

It was quite until America woke up "ah what the fuck happ-" Canada covered his mouth as they both heard others walking around them America look around him and touch around him then whispered to Canada "where's my gun" Canada look at him upset "I left it.. I couldn't find it" America growled until they both heard Germans talking beside them then started pointing their gun in the bushes America gasp before Canada whack the gun away then stand up shooting them both America stand up and smack Canada behind the head

"Asshole your gonna kill us both now" Canada hit America "Shut Up I saved your ass" America grab Canada and started running "yeah until more of them come" Canada try to run faster as his brother did they both past the border until America notice he dig in Canada's sweater "Fuck we run the wrong way idiot we were supposed to be in Berlin but no we're past Poland" Canada look down "shit" America grab out his walky-talky

"France? United Kingdom? You there?" America growled then look at Canada then jump on him and started hitting him Canada push him off and started choking him with his sniper "this is your fault if you didn't get shot we wouldn't be in this mess" America throw the gun and pinned Canada down "what do you mean my fault if it wasn't for your bad directions we wouldn't even be here and now mom and dad can't get us because their busy doing their shit and so we have to go back in the battle field"

America got off Canada then went back to the radio thing and stared trying to get a signal Canada tried not to cry even though it was his fault he went and grab his gun in the bushes but something was off it was quiet then Canada went to his brother to see him down on the ground right when Canada heard someone behind him he turn and hit his gun on the person the person fall to the ground Canada went on top of them pointing the pistol to them until a gun was pointed to his head

Canada look up then realized something their part of the Soviet Union Canada got off and went to his brother not giving a damn about them he pulled out some stuff in his bag to help the cut on his forehead from the hit the person spoke to Canada "What are you doing here" Canada look over to see the Soviet Union and the two other ones probably his kids Canada awkwardly look away "I messed up my direction and now I'm here"

Soviet scoffs then said something to his kids his two kids walk to Canada and grab Canada's arm and grab his brother that trigger Canada so Canada hold on his pistol the shock in the person face kinda made Canada uneasy so he let go of it as he followed them they had a place where they all stayed Canada was trying to follow his brother but the Soviet stop him "Your brother need to rest and you follow me" Canada watch his brother went somewhere else so Canada follow Soviet

But that's where his memory starts turning blurry his memory skips all the way where he got on a ship that was going to his land he remembered making a deal with the Soviet but he forgot he started helping the Soviets by sending them tanks

Everything turn black and Canada look around him their was nothing but he heard some familiar noises that made him uncomfortable then he woke up Canada was at the hospital which he always hated the hospital he look around then he seen his brother walk to the bed and sigh in relief "I'm sorry..." Canada was confused "what?" America look at him "I didn't mean to get mad at you I forgot how easy you get overwhelmed" Canada took off the needles giving him fluid stuff

He then lean to the side of the bed and started puking he wiped his mouth with the blanket and get off the bed "I'm okey let's just go" America look scared Canada look at what he was looking at and it was their parents France walk up to Canada and look at him "are you okey sweetie" the UK look at America "What have you Done Now son" America look away "nothing just talking about the second war–" UK slammed his cane down on the ground

"You Never Talk About That Around Your Sis—... Brother" Canada hated how UK/ his dad mention about his actual gender he was so used of having three boys but when Canada came out as transgender no one was supportive until after the war his brother became supportive but just his dad isn't supportive he talks about dress normal which offends Canada a lot because he's trying to say normal as in girl clothes but then again he shouldn't care what people think

Canada then was listening to his dad about how the war change him and that's why he thinks different Canada glared "nothing change from me I'm still the same–" UK shush Canada "a lot has change from you like how you have PTSD but you don't wanna admit to it your just calling it a panic attack but really we all know what it is" France hit UK "shut up he doesn't need to take crap from you come on Canada let's go home I'll cook you something to eat"

UK chuckle "cook her oh sorry HIM something he barely eats anything just let HIM get his attention" America walk over to Canada as the two are arguing "what are you gonna do?" Canada was about to yell at the both of them but he didn't he just ran out of the room and out of the hospital he hated them he doesn't care about his mental health he just wanted to just hangout with his family like it's normal but I guess he can't have the little things

He catch a bus as it led him back to his college he sighed as he went all the way to his room he closed the door and through his bag as he lay down he started punching his bed and the pillow getting pissed he then calm down laying down he was about to sleep but someone open his door "I don't wanna talk Ame now leave me alone" someone else clear their throat at the door "I'm not Ame" Canada look at the door to see Kazakhstan

Yes Canada is transgender he was a girl during his whole life until World War Two he felt more open about who he was but no one supportive until after the war

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