4 Gotta Go

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Canada woke up at his house their was something happening he heard someone talking he went to go check it was his dad his mom and someone else their pointing at a map and talking until the unknown guy look at him Canada gasped and went running back up the stairs he closed the door and he seen his brother crying he went and sat beside him

He put his legs to his chest and noticed his feet and his hands he's a kid he look at his brother and that marking he remembered it then the door been knock down
Canada woke up coughing and sweating he gasped he look around and he exhale to see that he was in his dorm he got out of his from and into the shower he kept on thinking of that dream

Canada got out and Belarus slam open the door "Canada Guess What!!" Canada quickly covered up "WHAT!!" He said insecure Belarus took a second to look at him realizing he just barge right in "uh we got a test today we have to have it in by today oh yeah we get to work anywhere long as we hand it in" Canada walk past Belarus as Belarus look down at him

"Your not gonna say anything about the test like oh my God I forgot to study?" Canada shake his head and laughed "haha that's the thing I already work and write down notes so I think I could make it" Belarus smiled "wanna hangout with me today then?" Canada walk in his room to change as Belarus waited for his answer in the hallway

"So do you it'll be fun my brothers will be there" Canada got out fixing his hat Belarus look at him "that looks like Russia's hat but it's change by the raccoon tails on the side not the flappy wingy parts" Canada always wear the hat around where he lived but ever since he came to this college he never wear it "uh yeah I notice that too"

Canada walk out to grab the test from the classroom then went back up at the dorm he felt awkward because people kept on starring at him then he felt someone tap his shoulder once he turned he seen no one but felt it again on his other shoulder he spend and saw it was Ukraine the guy with the glasses and a few inches taller than him

"Oh hi Ukraine" Ukraine look at his hat and hold the raccoon tails and yank it down Canada head followed but he hold himself up "Hey what was that for!?" Canada said upset Ukraine just laughed "I don't know it's just something new about you" Ukraine grab Canada's hand and brought him to the library Canada look around surprised how it looks

Ukraine smiled at Canada's expression then he walk to the back Canada followed still looking around and touching the books but he bumped into Ukraine not seeing where he was going "whoops sorry" Ukraine turn to Canada with two books in his hand Canada look at them interested "what are these about" Ukraine past Canada one

"See for yourself" Canada open the book and started reading what it was about Canada look at Ukraine "I didn't know you were into these books" Ukraine shook his head
"Yeah their pretty interesting this is where I usually hang out because..." Canada watch Ukraine look away from him and walk away Canada was confused "because of what?"

He walk to Ukraine as Ukraine put the book away "I don't have friends if you notice..." Canada didn't like how Ukraine sounded sad so he went and grab a chair to sit in front of Ukraine and made a silly face sticking out his tongue Ukraine laughed "that's random... what are you doing" Canada smiled "trying to make you laugh" Ukraine look at Canada

"Wanna be my friend?" Canada stand up and look up at Ukraine "I thought were already friends because we hangout and I sit beside you in English" Ukraine had a soft smile "yeah... Your my first friend" Canada gasped "Wait What!!" Ukraine shush Canada "shhh it's the library were supposed to be quiet not loud" Canada giggled "sorry"

Ukraine glared but had a smile "your so random sometimes like cooking pancake in middle of the day" Canada put out his hand and did a little wave towards him
"yeah yeah but what else do you cook in middle of day" Ukraine pat Canada "you got a lot to learn you don't cook in middle of the day you make something not bake I mean make"

Canada shook his head as he smirk trying not to laugh "ok ok" then Canada phone went off he grab his phone and he saw that America tried to call him he quickly called him back and America picked up fast "Canada! You there" Canada look at his phone "yeah"
"When are you coming?" He heard from his brother he look at the clock on his phone

"Uh right now just tell me where to meet you" as Canada and America were talking Ukraine felt left out and he seen he was talking to someone else he felt down again so he walk away Canada hang up and was about to say something to Ukraine but he wasn't there Canada sighed he was about to leave but he look back at the book that was sitting on the table

He walk to the table and grab the book and paid for it then left he went to the bus got on it left the campus he got off to have a pleasant surprise by his brother standing there he got off the bus to have a sickning feeling his brother look at him confused "are you okey" Canada look at his brother then the dream came back the marking on his face

He fainted America was surprised he grab his little brother looking around for help but only the people he hate was around so he grab his little brother and brought him to his dorm and of course his roommate was their so the situation look bad America cleared his throat "my brother fainted and I need to get him on the couch would you mind getting me water"

His roommate shook his head and walk to the sink as for America he put his brother on the couch he seen that Canada was waking up America smiled Canada look around everything was blurry he felt light headed he coughed "what happened" America sighed "you fainted are you okey?, are you stressing out, did you have enough sleep, is it to hot?"

Canada touch his head feeling a headache coming up "no I just thought about something"
America look at him straight in the eye "you fainted..." Canada stand up but fall down
"Ow I was thinking– about my dream" America grab him and help him up "what do you mean what happened in your dream?" Canada tried thinking about it but it disappeared

"I don't know I can't think about it right now" America sighed looking at his roommate that looks awfully confused America wave his hand towards him to tell him bring the water already and his roommate did he passed it to America as America passed it to Canada he took a sip but didn't drink it he sat it beside him on a desk he look down

"I just can't think of anything anymore maybe I'm going insane or have a disorder or–"  America stop him from talking anymore of this non-since "HEY! Hey hey your not going insane your just overthinking right" as he said the ending part he look over to his roommate as his roommate didn't know what to think so he gave a nod

America look back at Canada "see, your probably overwork yourself when the last time you took a break" Canada look up at America "I think today or yesterday uh you know me I do everything first then take a break" America coughed sarcastically and clears his throat "fine then when did you have a whole day as a break except the morning we always do work in the morning"

Canada started thinking "I guess today and yesterday I think?" America tap his hand on his lap "will let's get our mind off of this and I'll show you around just need a disguise so the teaches don't know your not from here k" Canada shook his head and right before he know it America grab his wrist and pull him along his side to get out of the dorm

The Same Crush ||Country Humans||Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя