3 River

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Canada started walking to the river where the bridge was he started thinking about if his brother is waiting there for him later on he made it to the bridge he look down at the view he look at the moon and the stars reflecting from the water he felt the breeze on his skin and watch as the grass dance he sat on the ledge on the bridge then he heard someone

"How many times Canada I tell you not to sit right there" Canada look back then he started having flashbacks he watch as his little self walking on the ledge smiling and looking at little America which little America had fear from that so he went to grab the little Canadian after that their dad came and started talking to them

Canada felt uncomfortable watching his flashback so he smack himself in reality he look around him everything went quiet so he got off the ledge slowly going down to the river until he felt someone grab his hands and lift him up he look who it was and it was America he sighed as his brother pulled him into a hug "what were you doing"

Canada look at the ledge "I was checking if you were under the bridge" America exhale "why everytime we come to the bridge you always do something that scares me"
Canada shrugged "okey enough of me what happened to you" as Canada say that he look at America's face which was messed up America avoid that question he just smiled

"Let's not talk about that I'm just glad you came I wasn't expecting it I thought you were just going to leave it be" Canada shake his head "you know me whenever you get hurt of course I'm going to come" Canada lean on the ledge "okey now tell brother about what's going on" America laughed at that but coughed Canada began to wonder what happened

"I was bullied you know since you aren't around" Canada sighed "you know I can go with you tomorrow I think I only have one class tomorrow" America face went bright and his smile was brighter "REALLY!!" Canada shush him "shhh your gonna get us in trouble" America laughed again "oh yeah sorry" Canada took off his sweater shirt and hand it to his brother

Then Canada grab another sweater shirt from his bag his brother was gonna give it back but Canada lift up his hand and look at him "nope your keeping that" America look at it then he noticed how small it is Canada sighed "it's not for wearing it's to let you know I'm always with you and on your side like the brothers we are" America look around

Canada was confused when he was about to say something America put his finger to his mouth and shush him it was quiet then they both heard someone leave Canada look at America "did you tell anyone we were here?" America look at Canada funny "if I did don't you think they would actually come here then sneak around us"

Canada shook his head then walk around the corner no one was there he exhale as he walk back to his brother "it could of been a rabbit or a smoll critter" America laughed Canada had a questioning face "what?" America stop laughing but still smiled
"You said smoll instead of small" Canada glared "that what I said smoll"

America bursted out in laughter "I'm sorry little bro but it's small not smoll" Canada thought about it then he figured it was his accent so he ignore it Canada check the time "oh it's almost curfew" Canada look back up then felt his brother hug him "you promise you will come tomorrow" Canada shook his head "yeah I will I pinky promise"

Canada put out his pinky as America put it out then they both did it Canada look at when are the bus's coming but their closed "damn it" America look at his little brother
"How are you going to get back to your college?" Canada didn't know how he sat down on the ground and thought about of it "maybe I can ask Mexico?" America shake his head

"No not him" Canada look at him weird "what why?" America didn't wanna say so he just shrugged Canada look at his phone he sighed "I didn't get my roommate phone number" Canada got up from the ground "can I stay with you and your roommate tonight wait" Canada check his bag and found that a eraser he remember seeing a number

He look around it and found the number so he put the number on his phone and called
It was ringing and by now America is super confused the phone was picked up
"Hello?" Canada smiled "Ukraine?" He heard him clear his throat "uh yeah what's up" Canada smirk "so you gave me your phone number but gave me a confusing emotion"

Ukraine mumbled something then Canada heard the other three so he knew that their all still hanging out "okey I know you didn't just call me to tell me that what's going on" Canada sighed "ok sorry but I'm stuck somewhere and I cant get back because the bus's are closed so do you have a car" it was quiet "uh Ukraine?" Then he heard him inhale

"Okey I don't have a car but Russia has a car so I can ask him and come pick you up" Canada smiled then they both hang up Canada turned to America "I got a ride back to my dorm I'll come see you tomorrow" America shook his head then he started walking home as for Canada

He started walking to a street sign so he can tell Ukraine then he got Ukraine call he pick up "hey Ukraine" he heard Ukraine sighed "I'm sorry Canada I'm not the one picking you up Russia is he doesn't trust me using his car just send me your address" Canada think about it "uh yeah that's fine" then he hang up to text him the info like where he's at

Canada sat there digging in his bag then he found his work so he did a little bit until he seen a car coming by and stop beside him Russia got out "let's go" Canada sighed and put everything back in his bag he walk to the car and open it he got in and put on his headphones to avoid random conversation Canada started thinking about his brother

He started thinking what if it was his dad who did that he wouldn't be surprised if it was him he would go to his dad's house and probably get mad at him but then again he might beat him up he thought it would be worth it if he could've got things straight then he notice Russia glance at him so he turn to him "wanna say something to me?"

Russia cleared his throat "you look down like sad why is that?" Canada took out his headphones and look at him "just problems nothing much" the car finally made it to the dorms Canada got out first and was the first to the room he open the door to be hug by Belarus he was surprised then he got brought in the dorm he look at Canada worried

"You hurt, what happened, where you left too" Canada look at Belarus "I'm fine I just couldn't come back because the bus's were closed" Belarus look at him suspicious
"So where did you go?" Canada gently push him away and walk to the fridge "went to go meet up with someone that's all" Belarus wanted to know more about this

"Who was it and why you were an hour away from here" Canada sighed "your not gonna leave me alone about this... Is it because I always stay here?" Belarus shook his head
Canada grab something out of the fridge and walk to his room until he heard Belarus say something "you know I care about you and I'm worried so... Just to let you know"

Canada stop to think "I was with my brother he's having some problems I'm not sure if it's family problems or social problems" then Canada walk in his room and closed the door he felt tired so he fall to sleep

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