9 Spikes Under Words

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Canada woke up in mid day the sunlight shining at his face making him go blind when he turn away from the window it was kinda blurry he look at his alarm clock and sees its 3pm he checks his surroundings and sighs he got up walk to his desk and started doing his test after an hour and a haft he finished it he got up then got dressed he make sure he had his hat on and out the door he goes he walk around to the class and there their professor was

"hey Professor I finished the test you told me to do" he checks the test then puts it on his desk "so Canada how are you feeling about this class" Canada awkwardly walk into the class "it's a big room and I–" the professor stoped him "do you have any friends or any problems?" Canada jump at the two questions "I do have friends and I don't have any problems I'm actually doing great" the professor sat at his desk "do you need any counselling or help in anyway?" Canada shake his head "no I'm fine.. can I leave.."

The professor stared at him "theirs been rumours going around from another college and made it's way here" Canada body tremble a little when he said that "oh you know rumours are just rumours they'll go away" the professor started to walk towards Canada "yeah but this rumour doesn't sound like a rumour that could simply go away" Canada tilted his head and looks over to the side "I'm sure it's nothing to worry about"

Canada said that looking at the professor then tried to walk away the professor stoped him and Canada stand still "it's not just at the other college the rumour made its way here so I wanna make sure all of my college students to know better then spread it around like that because that means one of them are in danger and I'm sorry to say but your the one in danger here" Canada sighed "don't be sorry and–" the professor hand Canada a paper

Canada look at it then read it he look blankly at him "your gonna send me to counselling" the professor sighed "I talked with your mother and she agrees" Canada just drop the paper on to the floor "Your Gonna Send Me To Counselling Because Of A Stupid Rumour! What Is The Rumour About Now!!" The professor was quiet he was about to walk away until he looks back at Canada "don't forget to pick up that paper" Canada glared then grab it

He watch the professor go back to his desk so Canada walk out of the class and back to his room Belarus watch Canada storm in and straight to his room Belarus turn down the oven and made sure his cookies weren't going to burn then went over to Canada's room which it was locked he sighed and did two knocks on the door "Canada what happened? Why are you in your room again" no answer

"wants some cookies? I'm just baking them for some people and I baked two more just in case you wanted two" until Canada spoke "Belarus did you hear any rumours about me?" Belarus was quiet "why? Is that why your acting like this because some rumours you know rumours–" Canada finished his sentence "are just rumours I know but if you had please tell me I wanna know what kind of rumour got me into counselling..."

Belarus didn't wanna tell Canada so all what he said was "no" Canada kinda didn't trust so he asked again an still said no "is that a lie..." it was all quiet the Belarus took a breath "no I'm telling the truth I haven't heard anything about you all I know is people calling you the knew kid" Canada sighed "I'm having a hard time thinking that's the truth because you always hang around with everyone"

Belarus look down the hallway to see Ukraine walk through the door and wave "hey bel where's Canada?" Belarus just pointed in the room "he locked the door and he got into counselling because of some rumours" Ukraine looked at the door "Canada are you okey" from the other side of the door all you can hear was a sigh "you guys are lying to me right? Or was it the science teacher professor person lying to me?" The two were confused

"what are you talking about?" Ukraine said then Canada unlocked the door and open it "my second time meeting the science teacher person whatever I just went and gave him my test and what does he do ask how am I doing and seeing if I'm fine then puts me into counselling with my Moms permission" then Canada look up at the two "because of stupid rumours so tell me if you know any or is it just me getting bullied by the professor"

Ukraine had a eye brow up "why do you hate counselling?" Canada look kinda stress but is not showing it "I've never liked counselling from the start I like talking to more human people then people taking notes on your feelings" Ukraine laughed at that "same I think lots of people feel uncomfortable about counselling so I understand you" Canada hushed Ukraine then look at Belarus "so what have you hear" Belarus look nervous to talk

"Will.... people are talking about other people that wanna beat you up" Canada had a frown "wait that's it I already know about that one my brother already told me about that" Ukraine was shock "wait I've haven't hear about that?" Belarus look at Canada awkwardly "and people are saying you like to feel pain physically" Canada had a huh face "Where The Hell Did That Come From?¿!!" Belarus shrugged "it just came out of nowhere" Canada cringed at that "why would anyone say that" Belarus shrug again

"Maybe because your the new kid and no one knows a lot about you" Canada had a faded smile "at least I know why I'm going to counselling" the two shook their heads Canada awkwardly walk past them "I'm gonna take a shower" Canada closed his bathroom door and he took off his clothes and went in the shower he started thinking about what he should do now since tomorrow he would have to go back to school stuff

he sighed thinking it's only been haft a week and stupid things happened

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