49 Our First Dance

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Canada and Russia went inside they look at Belarus as he was baking cookies Canada had a big smile "COOKIES!!" Belarus laugh happy to see Canada's expression "yeah" he went and watch Belarus bake them "they look delicious" Russia looks at Canada blushing "you like cookies" Canada shook his head "yeah~" Kazakhstan look at movies "we should watch a scary movie"

Ukraine smirk "yeah with all the spooky monsters and shadows with killers" Canada didn't mind murders but unrealistic stuff we're scary strange to him "mhm" Belarus put the cookies in the stove so they would puff out and get crispy "that sounds good and ghost don't forget them" Russia glared "ghost and monsters you guys sound like your four"

Kazakhstan laugh "it's Halloween what do you expect" Belarus lean on to Canada "yeah spirits spook people and witches scare everyone and zombies eat others" Canada had enough of this talk "I just want to watch a scary movie not those unrealistic cringe movies" Ukraine smirk "what that's the thing to watch those silly kid movies" Canada whine "no those are dumb let's what a scary ghost movie"

Kazakhstan wrap his arm around Canada "candy if your ever scared just hold on to me" Ukraine shove Kazakhstan away "or me" Russia glared at his brothers they always second hand embarrass him "no you guys he'll hug on to me" Belarus grab out the cookies "their done!" Canada lean over Belarus grabbing some cookies basically holding on Belarus

"yay finally you guys can pick a scary movie" Belarus look at his brothers "well well we all know who's the winner" he joked to his brothers because he likes bothering his brothers Kazakhstan went and grab couple of movies and let the two pick as Canada and Belarus were munching out on cookies on the couch Canada then realized "this is the first time we're using the T.V" Ukraine shrug

"I mean all we want is to hang out with you and you always need to go somewhere or have something to do so it's fine if we don't go on and watch T.V for a while" Kazakhstan put on the movie it was a paranormal ghost movie that had bad spirits and demons Russia stare at Belarus and Canada sitting on the floor eating cookies "hey can you pass me one..."

Canada gave him one then Kazakhstan and Ukraine wanted one so he just split the cookies in five groups so he can still watch the movie instead keep passing them and looking away from the screen Belarus got jump scared fast as the movie was only thirty minutes in Canada laugh but Belarus throw a pillow at him Canada use the pillow to lay his head on it

Kazakhstan watch as the girl was going down the basement "that girl is going to get possessed" Ukraine laugh "good it'll teach her a lesson" Russia yawn "this is completely bullshit why is she going down there in the first place" Canada didn't care what they say he was blocking out what their saying so he can watch it Belarus whispered to Canada

"Hey look that guy is making a move" Canada watch the two talk playing it off as if nothing happened like thirty minutes ago "that's insane they don't even know it themselves that he's been cursed" then a sex scene came up the five immediately went in silence Belarus covered Canada eyes "this is scary" Canada couldn't stop laughing "That's so awkward"

Ukraine look away avoid looking then Kazakhstan joke to his brother "Ukraine why you still watching" Ukraine got mad fast "I'm not I'm starring away from the T.V"  Russia laugh "no I seen you starring weirdo" Ukraine got up and walk away "I'm getting water" Canada moved Belarus hand "I wanna see what their doing" Belarus gasp and hold Canada's face so he couldn't "no that's poisoning your eyes"

Russia lean his head on the couch "their moans are giving me a headache" Kazakhstan started to get annoyed "how long is this can the ghost scare them already" and right when he said it the ghost possessed the girl and she killed the man Canada moved Belarus hands to see blood all over in the movie "what the heck did I miss?" Belarus hold Canada "a lot"

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