1 A New Start

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Canada was walking down stairs before he heard yelling probably his parents when he made it to the bottom he sees Meri he stop and tap his back he flinch and turn to Canada "don't scare me like that" he whispers to Canada "and I think mom and dad are gonna split" Canada gasp but America covered his mouth right when he did

Canada eyes went wide looking behind America when America turn around it was their mom and dad America try to play it off cool "hey just came down to take a sip of water" United Kingdom or UK for short huff "you guys aren't kids anymore why are you down here listening to us" America look around trying to think of something

"Because–" but Canada cut off America knowing he might say something that get him into more trouble "because we were wondering if you were gonna split" America look at Canada wide eyes and mouthing what are you doing with out saying anything then they look back at their parents France open her mouth

"Uh yes sorry to bring it out of the blue" America suddenly got mad and yelled at them "THAT'S A STUPID IDEA!!" Then he run up the stairs  Canada wonder why did he got mad he look at his parents as they look at him UK sighed "that kid needs to know how to grow up" then France hit him but not that hard

"You should've been a better father and not blame the child" then the two started fighting again as Canada sighed and walk up the stairs he open the door to his brothers room "hey bro you okey?" Canada walk in and closed the door behind him "don't worry it's just me mom and dad are just fighting down stairs"

Canada stop talking as soon he heard his brother crying he look around the room and expected to find his brother crying under the bed he check under the bed and there he was under the bed Canada grab his brother and wiped the tears away "dude we're going to college you can't start crying whenever you get hurt"

America crawled to his bed as he lay down "we been Brothers for along time. Back to back and now their gonna split us we won't go to the same college" he got up turn to Canada "I can't be myself everyone is gonna hate me that's how it was in high school and in elementary school too" America brought his legs to his head

"I won't last without you" Canada started to feel tears going down his face
"even though I'm shorter than you and I'm your younger brother it's hard to watch you sit there and give up no don't do that after all of those years you still didn't give up your still here and making it to college who knows you might love your dorm"

America look at Canada and wiped his tears away "why are you crying" when America said that he laughed and made Canada laughed then the door open the two boys look at the door it was France "Salut les fils Canada time to pack up were leaving tonight" Canada look at his brother sad he hug him before walking out the door

Then France close America door as she went to go pack up Canada felt bad, sad, mad, that he had to leave America home with dad even though he is not a good father he's always grumpy after Canada done thinking and packing up he went to his mom and his mom walk him out of the house and into the car they left

(The next morning)

Canada woke up to bright light shining in his eyes he got up an went to the shower, change, ate pancakes, he seen his mom already up his mom gave him some papers
"This is for the college your going to and have fun make some friends and see you this weekend" she gave her son a kiss on the cheek goodbye as Canada walk outside the house

Canada look around the streets seeing bunch of other people going to the same college he felt awkward once he made it to the college he gave them the papers and got a card for his dorm and got another card that says he goes to school there Canada grab his bags then left to his dorm he open the door and closed it

He heard a voice "hey need a little help" Canada shake his head out of breath then lays on his bag tired of walking around with his small legs then he noticed he felt his bag moving he sighed knowing the person help him he look up to see a green, red, white, flag the person put out their hand "hi I'm Belarus" Canada smiled softly and grab his hand

"I'm Canada nice to meet you" Belarus help him up and grabs Canada bag an walks him to his room "here's your room my room Is next to yours and the kitchen is right there"
As Belarus pointed a direction Canada look "do we share food or we put names on which ones we have?" Belarus shake his head

"nawh we can share if you like just don't eat to much of mine I need most of it for cooking" Canada inhale "Oh My God You Do Cooking Too!!!" Belarus jump at what he said
"Ah! you scared me but Yeah!! I love cooking" Canada exhale "thank God someone else cooks I'm used of being the only on that cooks" Belarus smirks "I bake too!"

Canada smiles "okey I could till we're gonna be great friends heh I thought I'll have to do all the cooking" Belarus checks his phone "oh I have to go hang out with some people sorry but I did some work you can look at it and were in the same class we start class tomorrow at 7:15am bye" Canada watch him walk out of the dorm he sighed

"At least he's not the worse he's amazing friend and wait maybe I can ask if I can hang with him tomorrow that'll be nice" Canada walk in the kitchen and it was a mess so Canada cleaned up and unpack in his room right when he was done he look at what class he has tommorow it was English and Science Canada sighed

"I should start looking at the work he has" as Canada said that he look towards Belarus study table and shake his head "no I can't copy why is he wanting me to copy that's bad but same time he's trying to help" Canada look back at Belarus study table and seen some cookies his second favorite food "it won't hurt to try some I'll owe him later"

When Canada grab the one of the five cookies something unexpected happened
He jump to hear someone slam the door close Canada gasped and drop the cookie back where it was and went to the living room where the front door was but he bump into someone he fall to the ground as the person was still standing

Canada look up and seen someone very tall he just was quite "uh who are you?" The other person said Canada couldn't say anything he just stare to his legs and mumbled something the guy didn't care what he said he just walk away from Canada and went to the fridge open something it was one of Belarus things then Canada remember

He didn't put anything that is his in the fridge so he left the hallway close to the living room and straight to his bedroom he got to his bag and grab baggies when he turn around he bump into him again Canada drop most of his stuff on the floor he stare at it and look mad at the person

"excuse me you could of warn me you were behind me because now I have to pick up the stuff I drop also you can't just take one of Belarus stuff that's in the fridge that's his so he can bake and cook with it" the guy sighed "I was just gonna ask you where is Belarus" Canada crouch and grab the stuff he drop "he left to hang out with his friends?"

The other person exhale "your no help" Canada glare at him "yeah I'm sorry I just met him just today like every other person" the guy laugh "I'm his brother and everyone here already know eachother since kids I guess your a new person here because you don't look familiar" Canada grab his stuff and walk away from him to go to the kitchen

"Of course I'm new here and I like my peace" the other person smirk as he followed Canada "you sound like my other brother he loves to read and he always say that"
Canada open the fridge and set his stuff in there "oh will it's true I'm not the type to hang out, go out, leavings where I stayed my whole life is a big step and it scares me"

The person close the fridge and Canada step away and wined "sorry did I do something wrong you could of close it on me" the person chuckle leaning on the fridge crossing his arms "ok you need to stop being a scaredy cat and snap to reality" Canada shake his head "can you leave me alone your starting to annoy me" the person shrugged

"K probably should go anyway bye who ever you are" Canada glared at him "the name is Canada" the person open the door and left as Canada was back in the dark room it was quiet he kept on thinking what that guy said so he went to lay down on his bed in his room thinking then falling to sleep quietly

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