51 We Got Scared In The Field

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Canada and Ukraine walk down the hallway opening up doors seeing no exit Ukraine opening one door to see a doll he immediately closed it "found a creepy doll want to see?" He said a little bit laughter in his voice Canada walk to the door and open it "I don't see anything?" Ukraine look through the door confused "no but.. their was a doll?"

Canada walked away from him looking through the doors as Ukraine follow him "so..." Canada look at him "hm?" Ukraine shrug "just want to know how are you" Canada chuckle "I'm good thanks for asking" Ukraine open one door then something fly at him "AHHHH!" He closed the door hearing it trying to slam open the door "CANADA! Help!!" Canada lean on the door with Ukraine freaking out

"You scared me!!" Canada fall back as the door open then started running away as Ukraine follow behind him then grab him holding Canada in a bride way running down the stairs then bump into Russia they all stumble onto the ground Russia growl "what!!" The two look up the stairs to see the scary thing floating towards them Canada stumble up and ran away Ukraine did the same leaving Russia

Russia stayed inside the house as the two ran out a little time pass the person came out getting mad and yelling around at the four then bringing Russia out Belarus immediately knew what he was going to say so he went to talk to the person and Kazakhstan look at Russia mad "what did you do?" Russia shrug "I didn't mean to it just happened" Ukraine glared "great now do we have to pay for what you did"

Canada laugh "my question is what happened" Russia awkwardly laugh "I broke the thing that was flying" Ukraine sighed as Kazakhstan laugh "so we do have to pay" and as they all watch Belarus pay the person and the person was happy they all left Belarus sighed leaning on the widow "so where too next?" Ukraine jump up and smile accidentally hitting his head in the car "The Corn Field"

Canada smile "alright now it's my turn to pay" Kazakhstan lean on Canada "I can help pay" Ukraine got jealous and grab Canada's hand blushing looking away "I can also help" Canada blush at the attention and tension between the two Belarus seen in the mirror so Belarus seen a gas station "oh look who wants snacks we should go there!" Russia drive to the gas station that has food there

"I should gas up anyway since you two are saying you can help pay to Canada why not help pay for my gas" Russia looking at Ukraine and Kazakhstan "mh" Belarus shook his head and grabbing Canada's hand "we're gonna get the snacks" Canada shook his head as they walk into the store looking at all the snacks Canada was amazed "damn how much snacks are we getting?"

Belarus shrug "I just seen you were in trouble so I help out" Canada chuckle "yeah those two always fight right?" Belarus went to look at the chips "yeah it's normal" Canada went to go see the drinks "what's your favourite drink" Belarus walk over already holding a snack in his hand "mhm don't know what's yours?" Canada shrug "I ask you first I don't even got an answer" the two stand in awkward silence before laughing about it

Belarus couldn't stop laughing "oh my god I can't with you Canada your to funny the things you say always make me smile or laugh" Canada blush at that compliment still laughing "I've been always told that but you Belarus always brighten up the mood" the two couldn't stop laughing and smiling it was contagious when they try to stop they couldn't Canada tried to be serious

"Ok Belarus stop no" Belarus try not to buy laugh he couldn't the silence was funny to him especially if Canada is trying to be serious "I- I'm sorry I can it's too funny" Canada chuckle "ok I'm going to grab a drink and you settle down" as Canada grab a random drink to try out and look over at Belarus he finally stop but when Canada and him made eye contact he laughed again Canada glared letting out his laugh

"Belarus" Canada look at him Belarus just look at the drinks then couldn't stop smiling him and Canada went to the cashier and Belarus pay for it as they walk out the other three walk in Belarus wave at them as they walk out to the car Russia immediately went to the drinks going to grab some vodka for later he was looking at the types then seen Belarus and Canada fooling around out by his car

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