14 Secrets

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Canada closed his eyes as another memory came up their were him and a group in the forest then he was left behind he heard footsteps then felt eyes from the trees he slowly walk but right when he heard a BANG! He open his eyes coughing touching his chest he look around then he saw his brother came and hugged him Canada hugged him back tight America look at him with a big bright pure smile Canada was about to smile but his eyes spot some marks

Canada touch his face looking at the bruises up close America push him away Canada sighed getting up from his bed "what happened to the bro code" America tilted his head "never make a seen in public" Canada had a confused face "no the other one" America think for a little bit "don't talk behind your back" Canada pointed at his face then America awkwardly look away "oh uh don't keep secrets" Canada smiled "yeah" then quickly turn to

"Who did it" America laughed "I ruff houze around with Mexico" Canada knew that wasn't the truth because they never did that only when their a bit younger but Canada thought what if it was the truth but that'll only be 00.1 true he just said "oh you guys shouldn't do that to much okey" America shook his head and grab something out of his pocket "you left this" Canada eyes widen "my gummy's" America pop it open and gave it to Canada

"Germany texted mom and mom told me to go get it in your dorm" Canada grab his gummy's then put them in his bag "where's Germany?" America look out his door "he left with mom somewhere to have a talk" Canada look at America suspicious face expression as he said that Canada couldn't help but laugh "why are you making that face" America look at his brother "why wouldn't I they been gone for a long time longer then an hour to just have a talk"

Canada shrugged "so" America grabs his brother shoulders and shake him "they can be talking about me" Canada push him away gently "you mean us" America look at Canada up and down "what do you mean us did you do something wrong?" Canada regrets what he said "uh no" America watch Canada face change from Questioning to thinking America shake his head then look at Canada straight in the eye "bro code" Canada let out a sigh

"I maybe having trouble in school and hang up on mom" America look at him and pat his back "okey that's not that bad but she'll probably be talking about your troubles" Canada shake his head "why are we talking about this when we can go ease drop on them" America lean on his brother "so what your saying is to get in trouble" Canada glared and push him off "Stop That! I hate it when you lean on me but no they can't be talking about that kind of stuff right? Enough for us to get in trouble?"

America had a sly smile "only one way to find out" Canada walk out of his room "okey mister snoopy where are they" America chuckled "heh I miss you, you know that right?" Canada nod "yeah okey show us tha way" America walk around the house then slowly down stairs to the basement  Canada followed along then Canada and America stop to sounds America look back at Canada "what was that?" Canada shrugged "I don't know but keep going" they whispered to each other

America kept walking til he got to the last step he felt the cold floor Canada shivered then heard a conversation America was about to say something but Canada covered his mouth as they both heard the conversation

"so how is he? Or how are they?"
"Their good just little jumpy and to scared"

America whispers to his brother "told you their their talking about us" Canada shush him

"How was he at school did you keep an eye out"
"Yeah but something off"
"Why's that"
"He doesn't go to class he works in his dorm"

America and Canada both made eye contact then look back at the door that slightly open

"Anything else you need to tell me?"
"Nope I told you everything"
"Thank you for watching him for me I can't really watch him myself"

America whispered to Canada "their talking about you" Canada push his face away "yeah no shit Sherlock"

Canada closed his eyes and hold himself "I'm not worried about that I'm worried how mom put someone on me to talk about personal stuff about me then act like she knows nothing" Canada walk back up stairs and back to his room he went to grab his phone but he remembered it's broken he glared he couldn't take his family seriously his dad is abusive his mom is manipulator his brother is over protective and he knows nothing of his two other brothers

Canada lay down in bed thinking about his wrongs and mistakes he knew something was wrong with him too he hated it he cried out as his stomach started to hurt his brother walk in "hey you okey?" Canada smiled but the pain hit again America grab his brother and brought him in the kitchen their was barely anything to eat so America look back at the Canadian sitting on the table instead of the two chairs basically beside him

"wanna go to a restaurant it'll be nice to hangout instead of hanging around here" Canada whine "your gonna make me anyway" America grab his sweater as Canada grab his bag America look at him "you always bring a bag where ever we go why's that?" Canada remember his past then pushed it away because he didn't wanna have panic attack again "its normal for people to have something to carry with them like a.... purse bag"

America put on his shoes and left out the door waiting for Canada as Canada come out the door he look around as the sun was already sitting America started walking "we're gonna walk there because I wanna have a breath and fresh air" Canada sighed "sure it already feels like I walk everywhere anyway" Canada followed behind him then walk on his side "so how are you?" America shrugged "I don't know dad seems to hate me more everyday he calls me randomly just to say I should work harder"

Canada had chills going down his spine "I rather not talk about dad he's just a grumpy old man" America laughed "your right he's probably gonna get mad at us and be like WhAt ArE yOu KiDs DoInG nOw" Canada laughed "or be like WhErEs My TeA yOu StUpId KiDs PrObAbLy ToOk It" they both laugh in laughter talking about their dad getting mad and being cranky old man the jokes and the laughs past as they both know the true feelings of him getting mad

America hold himself "I can't wait to get out of there" Canada look up at his brother when he said that then look down "I can't wait till that happens so I don't have to see your face all bruised up or scratch" America look at his brother "wh-" Canada stop him from talking "I know your lying about how you walk or got in a fight it seems weird you wouldn't get in a fight or you wouldn't walk or trip into something..... what I'm saying is stop lying to me"

America sighed as he but his arms to his head "heh I thought I was good at it" America put down his hands "so what Germany told mom is true?" Canada look to the other side of the road just to not make eye contact America seen that then look forward "um I walk down there before you were up and I heard more.... why didn't you tell me" Canada watch the clouds go by and as it turns dark "how much did you heard?"

America put up his hand to his face and puts his finger to his cheek as he started to talk and look up "how your hanging out with Russia and his siblings and more rumours and how your going to a consoler" Canada was surprise but same time not surprised "so what do you think about it" America crossed his arms "I want you to stay away from Russia and his siblings and counselling doesn't sound bad–" Canada got mad "SHUT UP! You know nothing about them"

America stop in front of Canada "their bad people especially Russia" Canada growled "he's a good guy and Ukraine and Kazakhstan also Belarus better then ever" America step forward towards Canada making it sound like a stomp "you have no idea what I seen from them and what they did and their dad!" Canada froze as America stand up straight "you probably don't remember because you were young but I remember and I don't trust him around you anymore"

Canada started to feel light headed or heavy hearted his lungs felt like their gonna collapse his body fall to the ground his brain felt fuzzy

Yo I start working today which is crazy so it might get more slower posting I'm so sorry

Unless I quit my job because I'm working outside and it's so hot out

I guess it just all depends Heh

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