43 Changing The Mind

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Canada woke up Germany was laying on him his arm and legs wrap around him Canada growled and bit him Germany fall off the bed and Canada huff as he walk away he left his bag in the kitchen so he left with his bag he was gonna run late anyway so he went to his class people were already there and of course Japan is there the professor seen him

"Canada I need to speak to you out of class come follow along" as he walk out the door Canada follow once they were outside the professor sighed "I talk to your parents and they think Germany should change his classes to your classes because they said that you have separation issues since you two are dating and all so he'll keep an eye on you and keep you safe"

Canada wasn't even surprised that they made a lie up "I actually don't they—" "don't worry we all have mental issues it's fine and he's allowed to sit by you also Japan will be there to support you too" Canada frown that he completely ignored on what he was trying to say "actually I rather sit by Ukraine and Belarus" the professor had an unsure face

"Your parents told me that your having problems with those kids and that surprised me so much because you guys are good friends they told me to keep you as far away from them as possible" Canada was dumbfounded "uh mhm that's—" the professor again wasn't listening "don't worry I got everything all in order" Canada was sad

"I... what else did my parents say" the professor smiled "to always have an eye on you since your making some trouble now also to tell them whenever you do something bad" Canada walk away from him to go inside and there he was Germany sitting there waiting for him same as Japan Canada walk to them and sit between them "why you are here"

Canada look at Germany "your annoying as hell" Germany chuckle "I think you got it backwards because last night you were moa—" Canada Shut his mouth real fast with a slap and it was loud the professor look over and sighed "Canada!" Canada forgot he was in class but same time did he knew Germany was gonna give what happened last night away

"I- shit!" The professor sighed "you know what go take a break and come back Germany and Japan can you watch him" Canada whine "not them just let me walk alone" Japan took that as offensive "what? what's wrong with me?" Canada frown "it's not you it's Germany" japan laugh "Germany" Germany honesty had enough and grab Canada's hand and walk out

Japan got up real quick and went after them the professor sighed and shake his head as he went back to teaching the class Canada snatch his arm from Germany's grip "Stop! Your hurting my arm!" Germany look at him mad "why did you do that!" Canada look at him confused "what?" Germany was stressed "you slap me and literally talk to Japan about me"

Canada wasn't at all happy either "What do you mean you always get mad even try to hurt me and talk shit about me you shouldn't be the one upset right now also we're not even together so shut up about this" Canada walk away from Germany japan finally catch up "what's going on" Germany glared "oh now you want to talk to me" Japan frown "asshole everything isn't about you what's wrong with Canada"

Germany exhale "me and him had an argument nothing much" Japan look away from him and walk to Canada she has no idea what's going on but she wants to know so she went to Canada "Canada!" The little Canadian look over at her "Japan?" Japan smiled but exhausted from running around a lot trying to catch up "hey what's going on with you and Germany?"

Canada whine "can everyone shut up about us it's getting very annoying" Japan was gonna say something but Germany came up and look over at Japan "we're dating that's why" Japan cried out "No!!" Canada an Germany look over at her Japan wasn't happy "there goes the future I plan out for Canada because you got in the way Germany" Canada was confused

"What are you talking about?" Germany glared Japan hesitant "I- um I kinda see you in a relationship with other people than him" German wasn't even surprised "them I see... of course I guess it's true" Canada look at them confused "what are you guys talking about" Japan laugh sounding happy now "you know those boys you hangout with them a lot"

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