47 My Brothers Energy

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Canada was in tears starring at his brother "where have you been!" America his brother look at the crying boy "..." Canada hug him feeling happy "It doesn't matter as long as your safe" his brother look away "Canada.." Canada look up at his brother "yeah" his brother try not to cry he smile and kneel down to his little brothers height "I hope their taking good care of you and I am safe"

Canada was worried "Meri what's going on?" His brother didn't say anything but let out a few words "do you wanna runaway with me?" Canada was speechless he stare in his brothers eyes disbelief "I- I" America look down the alleyway "I'm in a safe place in a different city finishing college with others people help I want you to come with me it'll be like the two of us again well not two anymore"

Canada was confused "what? Not two anymore what do you mean" the American smiled so happy but still had watery eyes "I'm with our brothers our other brother can you believe that we'll be united again" Canada couldn't breathe "Wait what how are they?" America smiled "their amazing Australia love animals especially snacks and New Zealand is shy and grumpy but he wants to see you!"

Canada tears kept going "they sound very happy I'm glad their doing good" America tears went down his face as he chuckle "yeah so we'll be all united again Canada all of us together running away from our parents we can all live together all of us it'll be nice" Canada shook his head then heard Belarus call his name wondering where he is

America was anxious as Belarus voice was getting closer "Canada no one is allowed to see me I'm supposed to be missing I just wanted to check on you but right now Canada I want to bring you out of this hell hole" Canada look back hearing Belarus voice America grab his brothers face making him face him "Canada this is your choice come home with me and your brothers or stay?"

Canada whine "am I allowed to see you when I want?" America panic hearing Belarus getting closer "you can see me all the time" Canada didn't want to leave but wanted to go because that's what he wants but something was holding him back America put out his hand "you coming?" Canada was hesitant was about to reach for his hand but Belarus smiled "Canada there you are" Canada look at Belarus then look back to see his brother gone

Canada frown about to cry but hold in his tears Belarus walk up to him "why are you in alleyway?" Canada look at Belarus "nothing just thought I heard something but.. it's just a cat" Canada walk away Belarus look around for the cat but their was nothing so he shrug and catch up to Canada "Wait up" Canada look back at Belarus as they walk to Belarus brothers "were back just follow a cat to the alleyway that's all"

Belarus notice "where's Russia?" Kazakhstan look down the road "he left on the bus he's going to get his car and come back and get us" Canada nod "yeah" Ukraine was sitting in the grass Kazakhstan sighed "Russia and Ukraine aren't happy sorry you have to feel their negativity" Belarus exhale "sometimes their just like this they know they can't do anything about it so their just difficult"

Canada shook his head "yeah" Belarus frown "but are you letting your mom do that to you two" Canada didn't know what to say or think anymore his brain was filled with emptiness he sat down then lay on the ground looking up he really didn't want to deal with this right now he just saw his brother and he asked him a huge question he couldn't believe he didn't go he started to wish he went but right when he thought about that

Belarus lay next to him and lean on him starring into the abyss with Canada "so life am I right" Canada laugh "yeah kinda feel shitty" Belarus look at Canada "it's not your fault or my brothers... can we blame your mom?" Canada smile "go ahead" Belarus put his middle fingers up "Fuck Life And Fuck Canada's Mom!!" Canada smile actually feeling better but a bit sleepy he cuddle Belarus

Falling asleep Belarus put his arm around Canada and pull him in a hug "I know you saw someone" he whispered holding on to Canada feeling comfort then Russia drive to them "you guys better get your asses in curfew is close" Ukraine went and sat in front seat with Russia beside him in drivers seat Kazakhstan got in and Belarus pick up Canada walking to the car getting in Russia look back at Canada

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