29 Strumming

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Canada ran out as he grab his bag Germany almost grab him but Canada was to fast he went down the stairs he couldn't hear the echos he only heard his breath his mind was everywhere he ran down all the way to the laundry rooms and breathe in and out he dig in his bag grabbing his anxiety pills taking them he ending up coughing them out due to the dry mouth

he just build up saliva and put it back in taking it his body felt more calm but draining like num
He stayed down there for a bit catching his breath then going out the exit door he couldn't stop thinking he knew what place to go to when he's feeling like this he walk to the bus station and left hour and haft he got drop off he walk all the way there once he made it

he smiled the river he went and sat there watching the water keep moving and having strange movements from the rocks under water but what made him feel calm is the sparkles from the sunset or sunrise sadly it's mid day so the sun is all the way up
Canada sat there what felt like an hour he didn't mind it he heard the birds and the bugs

the wind the trees moving with the bushes everything he loved the sounds around there he lay down on the ledge with his bag beside him until something poked him when he turn towards his bag he locked what it was it was his electric guitar he grab it starring he took out the plug and put in this auto charger he look at the strings with amazement it was

either just him or he couldn't see the colours from the guitar it was light blue
Canada strummed the guitar just playing around not really trying then the song hit him his strums started to sound more natural and sounded like an actual song he let the strumming control him and he started singing Maps by Maroon 5 he felt the sun and everything around him

"I miss the taste of a sweeter life, I miss the conversations" he watch his fingers as he sang it was crazy how he just felt better his body barely was in control the music and the noise played around him his mouth betrayed him as he sing more of the song
He watch the clouds go by "but on that road I took a fall oh baby, why did you run away"

he couldn't believe that he can sing here but he can't sing in front of people Canada look around just in case if someone was watching him as he was singing he started feeling embarrassed and thinking what if someone is listening to him right now he stop thinking and breathe in and out "so I'm following the map that leads to you the map that leads to you" he felt calmer after stop thinking

He started watching his fingers making sure he was doing it right then he seen past his fingers was the river the water was splashing and he saw some leafs twigs and some garbage going down as the wind was blowing through the grass he thought to himself wow this bridge here actually have a nice view he only came here because he was a kid and thought it look cool just a great place to adventure

he breathe in and out again "but I wonder, where were you when I was at my worst" then he couldn't help himself to stare at a leaf that was falling down from a tree getting carried away by the wind Canada watch it as he sang looking at it with some shine in his eyes wondering where the hell is it going to go he watch it go all over the place not falling on the ground though then

he watch it come towards him swoop over his head going up way in the air then the wind stop as it slowly going down going back and forth having a little spin then softly landed in the river he smiled couldn't help himself to let a few chuckles to come out as he was singing it went under the bridge then disappeared Canada thought it probably got stuck on a rock or under the water

"but I wonder, where were you when I was at my worst down on my knees" then someone came sneak attack him Canada jump almost dropping his guitar freaking out he look over to see his brother he kinda laughed but hug Canada "aww it's nice to see you I thought I should visit you sometime since you ran away out of the hospital from our parents heh that was insane"

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