12 The Forest Walk

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Canada woke up to someone calling him so many times until he picked up "hello" "CANADA! Their so many of them we need some back up" Canada gasped as he actually woke up he cursed under his breath looking around his room feeling a little safe then going to work on his laptop he finished after an hour he then went to have a bath he sat in the water leaning on the wall behind him wondering what was Ukraine gonna say to him before Japan jumped in my room

He hold his face into his hands thinking to much kinda hurt his head he cleaned himself and walk out of his bathroom then someone knocked at the door Canada put on some boxers then he breathe in and out before he open the door it was Russia he was about to say something but just looking at the Canadian made him speechless Canada look at himself "stop looking at my ears" Russia cleared his throat as he awkwardly looked away "I wasn't.."

Canada laughed "ok whatever so why are you here?" Russia turn away from him "maybe you should put on some clothes first" Canada closed the door then went to his dresser to get a shirt and some pants but once he put on his pants he felt uncomfortable because his tail so he just shove it in his pants he went to open the door to see Russia patiently waiting their looking down at his phone then look over to Canada "you finished..." Canada giggled

"Yep so why are you here?" Russia shrugged "I haven't seen you around or even around my siblings and rumours keep getting spread so I just wanted to make sure you weren't dead" Canada was quiet so Russia added "are you done your work?" Canada nod so Russia smiled "I'm going for a walk at my favourite place wanna come..." Canada look at him weird "what's the catch" Russia laughed "nothing I just want someone to tag along"

Canada smirk "then ask your siblings" Russia sighed "it's gonna be hard trying to get along with you... is it" Canada didn't know what to say he was just not In the mood going outside after what happened yesterday so his cat ears flattened Russia was looking at that then he started rubbing one of them Canada suddenly got cut off as he was thinking to that strange feeling coming back "a- ah~ Russ- ah! stop..." Russia stop immediately after hearing him

Canada grab his hat and put it on his head making sure that doesn't happen again Russia was looking away from him trying not to make eye contact "so do you wanna go?" Canada crossed his arms "w- where is it?" Russia started trying to talk with his hands "will its in the forest not to far from here" Canada hated hearing that because he hate going in the forest with someone else even by himself scared him Canada liked going in groups

"Can we bring Ukraine and your siblings" Russia lift a brow when he only separate Ukraine from siblings but he chose to ignore it "sure I guess" Canada awkwardly stand there when Russia was quiet until he spoke "bring something to swim in" then he left Canada was confused at that but he grab a towel an his shorts also a blanket then he left to the living room seeing Russia waiting for him Canada walk toward the kitchen to grab some snacks for the way "lets go I already texted my siblings to be there"

Canada shook his head "okey do they know the place" Russia chuckled "they use to pick me up around their when were little telling me that dinners done" Canada smiled learning a little more from the Russian they left the room and out to the parking lot Canada followed Russia to his car loving the colour black and red from the inside it looked cool and it made him excited to get a car once they got in Russia started the car then drive towards the place

Canada looked out his tinted windows he put on his headphones put on Someone To You by Banners he didn't know Russia was trying to talk to him until his music started playing in the car so he got Canada's attention Russia listen to the music a little bit "hm calming" Canada took off his headphone then sighed "I don't like it when someone else is listening to my playlist it's awkward because all what everyone do is judge"

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