We enter the Monument, about to get a security check. Cindy and I walk together in the front. We set our bags and phones on the security belt, and pass through safely. We wait for the others, before entering an elevator.

"Hey, Mr. Harrington, can I be the one to tell Peter he's expelled?" Flash asks.

"I really don't think you can get expelled just for missing a Decathlon competition. He probably came down with a cold or something." I retort. Flash hmphs, still holding the trophy, as if he won and carried the team on his back. Spoiler alert, he didn't. The elevator is stead climbs upwards. 

"The Washington Monument is 555 feet, 5 and 1/8 inches tall. Notice how the marble and granite are cut around the stone." The tour guide starts. Something in Ned's backpack erupts with light, and an explosion rocks the room. Ned drops his backpack quickly, as the small space is filled with smoke.

"Oh, my god. Look at the ceiling." Charles gasps. We look up to see a glowing, red crack cutting across the elevator ceiling.

"Just stay calm, everyone." Liz soothes.

"Oh, we are all going to die here." Abe screams.

"It's okay! I'm pretty sure people are going to save us." I assure.

"And if they don't" Cindy asks, and everyone looks at me.

"Don't look at me! Ross told me I can't use my powers, unless it's a dire situation!" I put my hands in the air.

"Kat's right everyone. We're safe here, and it's not an emergency yet." Mr. Harrington assures, but he spoke to soon, as the elevator sways again.

"We're freakin' screwed!" Charles moans.

"Okay guys, I know that was scary, but our safety systems are working." The tour guide drones on in order to calm us down. "We're very safe in here." We hear the elevator shaft open, as Park Rangers haul the elevator up. The tour guide opens a hatch in the ceiling of the car, and looks out, climbing out of the elevator. We began evaucutating, Cindy being the first to get pulled out of the elevator.

"Let's go. Give me your hand." The tour guide orders, as Charles grabs her hand, and gets hauled up. Abe peers down the long elevator shaft as he's hoisted up.

"Okay, who's next?" Mr. Harrington asks, staring at Flash, Ned, Liz, and me. Ned and I beckon Liz forward, as she grabs Mr. Harrington's shoulder, preparing to climb up.

"Me, it's my turn!" Flash yells, as he shoves Liz to get out first, and doesn't give up the trophy.

"Flash, seriously? What are you doing?" Ned asks.

"Come on." He snaps at the Park Rangers and Tour Guides.

"Don't worry about the trophy." Cindy says. Flash climbs through the hatch in the ceiling of the elevator, and the car shakes.

"Ah!" We yell, as we quickly distribute equal weight on all sides, as the students panic.

"Take my trophy!" Flash yells. The car shakes again under Flash's feet. We look up as the window shatters into pieces as Spiderman swings in, and the roof of the elevator is ripped off. The elevator starts to fall. 

"Ahh!" We scream, as I quickly use my powers to stop the elevator. Spiderman/Peter shoots a strand of web onto the falling elevator. I lessen my hold on it, but still hold it in place, so it wouldn't shake. 

The doors break loose, and the elevator falls again. It catches on a beam, but the car starts to drop again. I use my powers to hold it. Peter shoots a web through the hole in the ceiling, stopping the elevator's descent as well. Hanging upside down with his feet braced against the ceiling of the elevator, Peter grabs on to the strand of web, and lowers himself down.

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