Throat surgery - Zorbyn

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Type: fluff
Warnings: surgery

You are better than the person putting you down 💖

Third person

Corbyn opened his eyes slowly, only to be met with a bright light. He shuffled around a bit, which alarmed his worried boyfriend that was sitting next to him.

"Corbyn baby," Zach whispered gently. Corbyn opened his eyes and smiled over at Zach. "Hi my love, you got out of surgery about an hour ago."

Corbyn scrunched his eyebrows in confusion until he remembered the throat surgery that he went through. He pulled his hand up to his throat and felt a wide, plastic tube sticking out of it. His eyes went wide as he began to panic. Zach sat on Corbyn's bed and took Corbyn's hands off of his throat and held them. "Shh my love, you're okay, they put that in there so you can breathe."

Corbyn nodded and smiled a little bit to show that he was calm. Zach smiled back and placed a soft kiss on Corbyn's lips. The blonde boy opened his mouth and tried to let out an "I love you" but he couldn't.

"Don't try to talk baby, you can't with the tube," Zach explained. Corbyn frowned but nodded. He grabbed his phone from the side table and opened his notes. He quickly wrote a message before showing Zach.

'I love you.'

"I love you too bean," Zach replied, gently kissing the older boy's cheek.

'Thank you for being here, I don't know what I would do without you.'

"No problem my love, I'm glad I'm here to see you. Your mom is at home, she said she'd let us have some alone time before she came to see you. She said she'll be here at 4, which is in about half an hour."

'That's nice. I hoped you would be the only person seeing me wake up, even though I don't look my sharpest.'

Zach let out a small laugh at what he said then squeezed his hand.

"You look gorgeous bub," Zach reassured. Corbyn's eyes went wide but then he began typing something else.

'I think you need your eyes checked.'

Corbyn smiled widely as Zach let out a small giggle.

"I think I can see perfectly fine. You always look gorgeous," Zach said. Corbyn blushed but kept a shy smile on his face. Zach giggled.

'I'm getting tired of writing I love you over and over, can we just do the sign language for it?'

When the pair had met, Zach was taking a sign language course so he could talk to his deaf baby cousin when she grew up. Now he knows it fluently and Corbyn knows enough to get his point across.

"Of course baby, it'll probably be easier if we talk in sign more," Zach explained. Corbyn smiled and nodded then did the signs for 'ok' and 'I love you'.

Zach signed 'I love you' back. "I love you too Corbs."

Corbyn smiled then patted his chest and opened his arms. "You want to cuddle?" Zach asked. Corbyn nodded. "I don't want to hurt you bub."

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