Call in - jarbyn

616 22 7

Type: fluff
Warnings: none
Wc: 267

🧸✨ you'll get through today, I promise

Third person

Jack woke up to the feeling of movement beside him. He opened his eyes and saw Corbyn turning off his alarm. He was leaning on one elbow while the other hand was holding his phone.

Jack scooted over and clung onto Corbyn.

"Go back to sleep bubs," Corbyn whispered before kissing Jack's forehead.

"Cuddle me," Jack mumbled back.

"I have to go to work sweetheart."

"Call in."

"I wish I could honey, but I really need to go."

"Mmh, just a little longer."

Corbyn sighed before laying back down, allowing his husband to cuddle into his chest. Jack placed a few kisses on Corbyn's chest.

"Go back to sleep darling," Corbyn whispered.

"But when I wake up you'll be gone," Jack complained. Corbyn frowned, he hated leaving his baby every morning, but he had to work.

"Bubs, it's six in the morning, go back to sleep."

Jack hesitantly nodded before trying to fall back asleep in Corbyn's arms. He had tears in his eyes, he just wanted his husband.

As Jack was half asleep, he heard Corbyn talking to someone on the phone.

"Hey, I won't be able to make it into work today, my husband is really sick. No he can't take care of himself, he can barely get out of bed. Call Jonah in, I'm sure he'd be fine with that. See you tomorrow, bye."

Jack smiled softly into Corbyn's chest.

"I love you," Jack whispered.

"I love you too darling, go back to sleep."

With the reassurance that Corbyn would still be there, Jack fell back asleep.

Double update bc I felt like I needed to publish something with Jack in it for his birthday. Happy birthday to the coolest dude around 😎

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